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Out Of Time: Islam Taking Over Europe and West

Please take a few minutes (6 mins.)  to watch this very important video. 

The threat that is islam is reaching a boiling point everywhere, but nowhere is it so volatile as in Europe and the United States.   The European Parliament has already succumbed to islamic demands and threats and islam in Europe has become a dangeous mob of vitriol against all things West.  Please take a moment to think about what will happen WHEN islam get’s hold of Europe’s nukes….

This political correctness is going to kill us all.  Please, PLEASE inform yourselves on the very dangerous threat that is islam.   Learn about “Taqiyya”, “Sharia Law”, “Dhimmitude”, and the Qur’an. 

You can find more information on this very critical issue at the following websites:

www.jihadwatch.com  – Robert Spencer

www.thereligionofpeace.com  –  This site has a lot of information on islam and current events

www.atlasshrugs.com  –  Pamela Gellar

www.islamicpopulation.com  –  The worldwide  islamic population explosion

www.geertwilders.com  – Geert Wilders, Netherlands

www.actforamerica.com  –  Bridgette Gabriel

Please watch this 4 part movie by Geert Wilders.  It’s called “FITNA” and it is quite extensive in the concept of islam.  It’s a regular movie length video so make yourself comfortable.  This is important.


Categories: Islam
  1. August 22, 2010 at 22:20

    lots of good information wake up america..

  2. August 22, 2010 at 22:22

    If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell. (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog) (via Sam Hindu’s Blog )

    If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell. (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog) (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog)

  3. August 22, 2010 at 22:23

    This is How Moslims Think.. Wake up America.

    This is How Moslims Think.. Wake up America.

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