Home > Illegal Immigration > State-By-State Costs Of The Illegal Alien Invasion Of America

State-By-State Costs Of The Illegal Alien Invasion Of America

Categories: Illegal Immigration
  1. True Patriot
    November 29, 2010 at 16:01

    And this does not include the zillions while our illegal communist muslim usurping Jihadist fraud sits perched in his “Buzzard” pose in our White House.

    Between him, Moochele, & her tagalong Mama who had no right to move in is it any wonder of the costs to keep this filth hanging out in our White House?

    200 million a day to go to India, Millions for Moochele to fly to Spain during her temper tantrum because Barwee invited the Ogre Oprah to his birthday party, and just when you thought Moochele would stay on her knees digging up the White House Lawn.

    These are the most phony, fraudulent filth in the history of the world. What a complete embarrassment and disgrace they are.

    And Reese Witherspoon, spooning up her Communist Kool-Aid crap, attended a Luncheon at the White House a few months ago, and said Moochele was so graceful and beautiful! Nauseated yet? Witherspoon is legally Blind.

    I made Darth Vader sick because I compared him to this vile evil mean nasty classless excuse for a human being. Just think even Darth Vader is sick if you even mention her name.

  2. True Patriot
    November 29, 2010 at 16:03

    Oh I forgot to mention, Witherspoon has been added to the Hollywood Communist Marxist Wall of Shame.

    Everyone stop going to the movies at all. There is enough good old movies and classics for which these thugs will not get a dime.

    Its all about money honey. Hit them where it hurts.

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