Home > Islam > KNOW THY ENEMY: MORE DIRT about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s ties to terrorist-connected Islamists

KNOW THY ENEMY: MORE DIRT about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s ties to terrorist-connected Islamists



If you wondered why Governor Christie refused to comment on the Ground Zero Mosque issue or why a New Jersey state employee who participated in a protest against the mosque by burning a few pages from the Koran, lost his job– you were only seeing the tip of a very large iceberg. In Muslim heavy states such as New Jersey, politicians and law enforcement have been largely suborned. In their attempt to co-opt Muslims, they instead have been co-opted by them. Who is really working for whom? Decide for yourself……

READ MORE HERE: http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/2011/01/17/more-dirt-about-new-jersey-governor-chris-christies-ties-to-terrorist-connected-islamists/

Categories: Islam
  1. True Patriot
    January 18, 2011 at 05:58

    I found this to be surprising. So much for a Conservative on our side. He is also
    a traitor and is off my list. 😦

    • January 18, 2011 at 09:36

      Same here. I’m crushed. I’ve been admiring his actions with regard to those “Teachers” unions and cuttting budgets, and I’ve been hoping he would run for POTUS! Not any more. This is sickening.

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