Home > Miscellaneous > Brady “Campaign” Advertises Shooting Little Girls and Elderly People with Canes

Brady “Campaign” Advertises Shooting Little Girls and Elderly People with Canes

[This is absolutely APPALLING.]



Too Far? New Anti-Gun Ad Features Man Shooting Silhouette of a Child

By  Jonathon M. Seidl
If Sarah Palin was demonized for placing a “target” over Rep. Gabbie Giffords’s Arizona District, do you think there will be any fallout from a new anti-gun ad that features a man shooting a paper target featuring the silhouette of a young girl?

The new ad is the brainchild of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. It’s supposed to raise concerns about extended gun magazines like the kind used by Tucson shooter Jared Loughner. But instead its raising questions of reticence.

In it, a man can be seen loading his hand gun with a 32-shot clip. After cocking the gun, he begins firing rapidly. The camera then cuts away to his target: a silhouette of a young girl with pig tails: (Con’t)



Categories: Miscellaneous
  1. True Patriot
    April 12, 2011 at 21:38

    Sarah Brady is a Communist Marxist Fraud and has always been anti gun long before her husband got shot by the madman. This is vintage what her and the anti gun lobby is trying to do, however Patriots across the country are not putting up with it.

    The net has been a good friend to all of us to get the word out.

    There are many new gun rights groups popping up and organizations to educate the people.

    Thanks to nice folks like you Pit Bull and your hard work, we stay aware and ready for anything they might like to try. 🙂 🙂

  2. Mr A. karic
    April 13, 2011 at 02:33

    I realise that having the freedom to own arms is an extension of liberty,America has inadvertently been put in a position to do something which the rest of the world cannot or is not allowed to do.Since the pandoras box has been opened it cannot be closed without the curtailment of freedom,how the whole thing pans out is impossible to tell and it will be hugely interesting to see the eventual outcome.

    • April 13, 2011 at 09:52

      Our Second Amendment was not written so that we could kill little girls with pigtails and elderly citizens with canes. Unfortunately, people here have been brainwashed to believe we must conform to the rules other countries have imposed on their citizens in order to keep them quiet. If our gun rights are “curtailed”, it won’t be without one HELL of a fight. As the saying goes…. “Out of our cold, dead hands.”

  3. James Wheeler
    April 13, 2011 at 07:17

    Those people are vile. They can’t get over the rulings in Heller and its progeny, so they resort to this. Disgusting.

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