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Criminals and Traitors Have Taken Control of the Federal Government.


April 24, 2011

Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret.) recently floated the idea of a run for President or Vice President

The following letter was written in response to the article by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely dated April 23, 2011:

I share MG Vallely’s concerns, but I do not think that the resignations he is demanding will ever happen, nor do I believe that impeachment is the appropriate course of action in this case, notwithstanding the unlikelihood that it could ever be done successfully in the current polarized political environment.

I believe that numerous serious criminal violations have occurred including election fraud, false statements on official documents, drug use, wire fraud, criminal forgery on multiple counts, conspiracy, murder, voter intimidation, intimidation and improper influence of officers of the court, intimidation and improper influence of federal judges, multiple violations of federal campaign financing laws, fraudulent and unconstitutional application of public funds for illegal and/or private purposes, multiple violations of federal labor laws, and more.

This is just for starters, and this is over and above the mass violations of the oath of office to “support and defend the Constitution” by officers of the military services, law enforcement officers, members of the judiciary, and members of the Congress as described by General Vallely.

Given this situation, I believe that the only realistic and viable course of action is to treat the crisis we are in as a law enforcement matter.

Massive violations of federal laws have occurred which have allowed criminals and traitors to take control of the federal government.

This is no more and no less than a coup d’etat.

If Congress will not act by demanding hearings on the most urgent and visible crime – the usurpation of the office of president of the United States – then the people must find a way to address the problem.

The roots of the Obama Marxist forces are penetrating more deeply into the federal bureaucracy with each day that passes. The difficulty of rooting out these thugs becomes much more difficult as time goes on.

In just a few months the position of director of the FBI will be in play. Whom do you suppose the usurper-in-chief will appoint to that critical law enforcement position? One name being mentioned is Jamie Gorelick.

An editorial published by the Washington Examiner on March 24, 2011 included the following statements: “There is no escaping the damage that would result if President Obama appoints Jamie Gorelick to succeed Robert Mueller as FBI director…After such a checkered career, we find it incredible that Gorelick would be on anybody’s list for appointment to any federal position, much less to head the FBI.”

My friends, the need for action is urgent…… (Con’t)


  1. True Patriot
    April 26, 2011 at 05:21

    I have been keeping pressure on this issue since the fraud slid into our WH illegally.

    I have been ignored by members of Congress & Senate who refuse to do their job.

    The media is part of this massive orchestrated cover up of this fraud and Jihadist

    Unfortunately for the enemies in our White House and news media, Americans are now demanding the records on this fraud Obama, who has spent millions to keep his records sealed, and therefore should have never been seated.

    Do you hear that Justice Roberts who swore in this illegal Communist Muslim Usurper without his proper documents? Pelosi let this fraud right through so she should be impeached along with Justice Roberts.

    Everything this fraud has done should be null and void. Which would mean Sotomayer who is a devout member of the criminal thugs La Raza, and the Communist Marxist Mini Me aka Kagan will also have to be removed from our Supreme Court.

    Eric Holder should be arrested immediately along with Janet Napolitano and all this train of evil criminals dismantling and stealing America from us.

    I would love to be on all of those juries. There is no doubt of high crimes and treason and an illegal coo agenda.

  2. James Wheeler
    April 26, 2011 at 05:30

    Oh man. If Gorelick were to be appointed as Director of the FBI, we are, in a word, screwed. She is a partisan hack, and idealogue to the bone. She was one of those who put procedures in place that not just were burdensome, but downright hobbled our efforts to catch terrorists. She is a firm believer that terrorism is a law enforcement matter, and that she an her fellow travelers know better than lifetime professionals how to prosecute a war.

    This is bad.

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