Home > 2012 Elections, Miscellaneous > Price Of Gas Got You “Down”? Blame Bush!

Price Of Gas Got You “Down”? Blame Bush!

(Hat tip Don B. for the forward. Thank You, Don!)


Watch this short video as obama, members of his evil clan and his media minions lie and deceive on the issue of the price of gas.  Considering how they screamed and pointed their hooves at President Bush when gas was A DOLLAR EIGHTY SEVEN PER GALLON, it’s no exaggeration to call them ALL hypocrites and liars.  Just calling them what they ARE.  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=qKdScVerrBU&vg=medium


  1. March 9, 2012 at 14:33

    Not to seem cynical, but if they’re politicians they’re liars. And they’ll lie about that too.

  2. Elizabeth
    March 9, 2012 at 22:57

    I am just wishing Good people like you were in the White House. Can you imagine how crazy, disfunctional and unproductive our country would be if obama gets another term? Yes, you can probably imagine.

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