Home > Humor, Miscellaneous > Thank You, Sandra Fluke, Because I’ve GOT TO HAVE IT.

Thank You, Sandra Fluke, Because I’ve GOT TO HAVE IT.


Georgetown law student and part-time reproductive rights activist Sandra Fluke wants her Catholic university to pay for her birth control so she can have as much sex as she wants without incurring a serious medical condition known as pregnancy, and I don’t blame her.

Sex feels really, really good. And I think we can all agree feeling good while eliminating the downside to feeling good is a legitimate public policy objective.

The downside in this particular instance is, of course, a baby, who rudely takes residence in the body, ungratefully kicks the abdomen from the inside, and denies the bearer other pleasures, like a glass of wine a day and constant pilates.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/03/10/thank-you-sandra-fluke-because-ive-gotta-have-it/#ixzz1ojwKrbu3

Categories: Humor, Miscellaneous Tags:
  1. March 10, 2012 at 12:46

    Bunch of Liberal Propaganda and spin…. promoted by the Whitehouse and Anitta Dunn…..I wonder, Who is behind the scenes funding her? Catholics won’t forget this Obama….

    • March 10, 2012 at 14:13

      I liked the sushi/sake comparison! LOL!
      On a serious note, they act like a bunch of animals that can’t control themselves…. oh wait…. they ARE a bunch of animals that can’t control themselves, with an excuse and a liberal crybaby explanation for every thing they do.

  2. aleksander karic
    March 10, 2012 at 16:15


    • March 10, 2012 at 18:54

      We, The People should not be forced to pay for the extra-curricular activities of those DIRTY SLUTS.

    • March 11, 2012 at 09:16

      ….I just read (asuming it is true) that she is a 30-year-old political activist with connections to Yep, OBAMA!!!!!!!!A serious study of REAL history reveals how tyrants such as Hitler, Stalin and others got control of nations and did much harm because the people and the other areas of government allowed it……Obama and those directing him and pulling the strings have done their work well……..I don’t know if the damage can be undone…..

      • March 11, 2012 at 09:39

        This is just a snippet of the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity. Yes, indeed, they’ve done a real good job. It’s taken them years to accomplish this feat, and America is FINISHED. We will never be able to fix this mess. All one needs to do to realize just how deep this evil lies is take a look at our so-called “public education system”. They’ve destroyed us, and the schools are ensuring our total demise. Goodbye America. I miss you already.

  3. March 10, 2012 at 21:18

    …A woman’s right to choose begins before she takes her panties off…..of course if she is some dumbed down liberal she probably doesn’t wear panties as they get in the way of a quickie…..I know….I used to be a liberal before the scales fell off my eyes…..I always l looked forward to oportunities….but I tried to be responsible and use birth control……NO ONE SHOULD GET PREGNANT WHO DOESN’T WANT TO…..WITH ALL THE PREVENTIVE MEASURES AVAILABLE TO SENSIBLE RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE….I wish Obama’s mama would have been on birth control…..even if it was paid for by someone else…..

    • March 11, 2012 at 09:35

      Indeed. And if someone were to ue their own argument, one could say they are genocidal racists…. after all… who is Margaret Sanger? LOL! I had an abortion-loving glassy eyed trying to argue the merits of abortion with me one day, and what a wonderful job planned parenthood does for her and her “family”. Even when I showed her what margaret sanger was she continued to spew the merits of that horrid cult. What ended the conversation was when I told her to SHUT HER DAMNED LEGS and quit being such a damned SLUT.

  4. blackyb
    March 13, 2012 at 20:40

    The flocking fluke should pay for her own dallies. She has boyfriends, so they could contribute to her cause. If she would charge for her sack time she could not only provide condoms for herself and the whole campus, but pay for her education as well. Sounds like she really likes to flock as much as to study so maybe she can find some branch of law that defends those who flock for a living, perhaps Hollywood would be a good base to work from.

    • March 14, 2012 at 07:42

      Very well said! Not sure when she finds time to study with all the sack time she is, apparently, accruing.

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