
Posts Tagged ‘seiu’

SEIU Celebrates “Our Comrade” Hugo Chavez




We all know the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) is an ardent supporter of Barack Obama. Interesting to note that New York SEIU 1199 organized a candelight procession on Friday night as “A Celebration and Procession For Our Comrade Hugo Chavez”.

SEIU Organizes Hugo Chavez ‘Celebration And Procession’ To Honor ‘Our Comrade’ was one of the few website which still posted the SEIU announcement detailing the “celebration and procession” for the deceased Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

A memorial vigil was held Wednesday at the Venezuelan consulate in Manhattan, but the union march is raising eyebrows.

From the Facebook event page.

Friday, March 8, 2013

1199SEIU New York City 310 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036 auditorium

The Bolivarian Circle of New York invite the general population

Those who die for life can not be called dead

A Celebration and procession for the life of our comrade Hugo Chávez extraordinary human and revolutionary. Your energy, love and example will not be forgotten.

The revolution will continu e until there is liberation for all.



Join us and spread the word, show your solidarity and support in memory of President Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution

With a little help from their friends.




Another Case Of Voting FRAUD. This Time, North Carolina

October 24, 2012 6 comments

TWG: Yet ANOTHER report of voter fraud.  Folks, PLEASE check your vote and don’t use these machines. Manually cast your vote.  The SEIU thugs working for the obama regime are the one’s tasked with “servicing” those machines.  Clearly, they cannot be trusted.




By Alex Thomas
October 24, 2012

Multiple residents from the third largest county in North Carolina have reported that their votes, cast on electronic voting machines, were repeatedly changed from Romney to Obama.

Residents in Guilford County began to report the problem to WGHP-TV which in turn ran a report on the irregularities that voting officials were quick to claim have been fixed.

Voter Sher Coromailis told that every time she attempted to vote for Romney the machine changed her vote to Obama.

“I was so upset this could happen,” said Coromalis.

Another voter, Marie Haydock, also voiced her concern and noted how big of a deal it was for even one vote to be altered.

“The frustration is… every vote counts,” said Haydock.

County officials have claimed that the issue has been fixed, that there is no conspiracy, and that it is a problem that regularly occurs during early voting.

“It’s not a conspiracy it’s just a machine that needs to be corrected,” said Guilford County Board of Elections Director George Gilbert.

Interestingly, Michelle Obama has recently urged supporters and Americans throughout the nation to vote early, pushing forth the narrative that if you wait for voting day there is a chance of not being able to cast your vote.


Meet More Chicago Thuggery, Chicago Teachers Union Leader karen lewis

September 10, 2012 Leave a comment

[TWG: That evil thing needs to be in handcuffs, along with her fellow union thugs, for their crimes.  Chicago students are FAILING in so many ways, a testament to this abhorrent group and their efforts.  It’s crystal clear……They don’t give a damn about the children. Arrest these evil pigs and bring them to trial. Get the Federal Government OUT of the business of child indoctrination and brainwashing!]


Chicago thuggery personified: Meet Chicago Teachers’ Union president Karen Lewis

By Michelle Malkin  •  September 10, 2012 10:52 AM

Photo via Founding Bloggers

This is the woman leading the walkout of 26,000 public school teachers in Chicago. Karen Lewis, head of the Chicago Teachers’ Union, is a loud-mouthed “social justice” radical whose Big Labor racket would rather abandon 350,000 children to the streets than accept merit-based pay, teacher evaluations, and a 16 percent pay raise. The school board had already caved considerably on the union’s demands, but as the Chicago Sun-Times put it: “From the get-go, the union seemed intent on striking.”

Last night, Lewis mocked public charter schools that are defying the strike and doing their jobs as not “real” schools.

Derision is her specialty. Her tirades at teachers’ confabs are infamous. Don’t feel sorry for her when she moans about Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s bully tactics and trash mouth. Lewis has one of her own. Here she is bragging about smoking weed in college, cracking homophobic slurs about Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s lisp, and whining about teachers being “demonized” at a “social justice” conference:…

Continue Reading and Watch The Video here:

Montana: Phony Veteran’s Front Group “” Lying To Our Veterans.

June 28, 2012 5 comments

[TWG Note: Typical commies…..  They will LIE, CHEAT and STEAL in order to accomplish their diabolical schemes because they know NOBODY but another commie would support their plans to destroy this once great Nation…. and especially our Veterans, who have fought AGAINST communism and fascism. NOT FOR IT.   Our returning Veterans are being labled with “PTSD” before they even step foot on our soil.  Drugged up and “diagnosed” with a mental problem, THEY ARE BEING SYSTEMATICALLY DISARMED ON A MASSIVE SCALE. As a member of several Veterans organizations, you can BET I’m going to expose these LIARS for what they are.]


By Dustin Hurst ǀ

HELENA — In Montana’s U.S. Senate showdown between incumbent Democrat Jon Tester and GOP candidate U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg, a coalition of union and environmental groups has struck again — this time masquerading as a military veterans organization.

In an ad released deployed Helena resident and Iraq War veteran Jed Kearns to slam the Republican challenger. Kearns claims Rehberg voted with fellow House Republicans to kill funding for prosthetics studies.


That might be powerful if it were true…(Con’t)




Voter ID Terrifies DemocRATS…

January 2, 2012 2 comments

[TWG Note: We ABSOLUTELY MUST have voter fraud units set up in each city/voting location across this country this time.  We SAW what they got away with obama’s annointment, and this year will be even worse.  The obama regime has been busy laying the tracks for their minions since he usurped out White House in 2009, and AG holder is on an all-out attack to allow his boss another term to finish this country off for good.  They cannot win this election unless they get their illegal aliens’ vote, and they are pulling out the stops this time. They know that most Americans won’t tolerate them another term and will vote for someone else.  Allowing those SOB’s to steal the most important election of our lifetimes is not an option.   The TEA Parties need to rally their groups and build their teams to watch every move these cheats, liars and thieves make.   START BUILDING YOUR VOTER FRAUD UNITS NOW, PATRIOTS!]

As their pal Stalin said…..

Those who count the votes determine the outcome.

This column by ACRU Senior Fellow Robert Knight was published January 2, 2012 in The Washington Times.

The most consequential election in our lifetime is still 10 months away, but it’s clear from the Obama administration’s order halting South Carolina’s new photo ID law that the Democrats already have brought a gun to a knife fight.

How else to describe this naked assault on the right of a state to create minimal requirements to curb voter fraud?

On Dec. 23, Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez sent a letter ordering South Carolina to stop enforcing its photo ID law. Mr. Perez, who heads the Civil Rights Division that booted charges against the New Black Panther Party for intimidating voters in Philadelphia in 2008, said South Carolina’s law would disenfranchise thousands of minority voters.

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson rejected Mr. Perez’s math and explained on Fox News why the law is necessary. The state Department of Motor Vehicles audited a state Election Commission report that said 239,333 people were registered to vote but had no photo ID. The DMV found that 37,000 were deceased, more than 90,000 had moved to other states, and others had names not matched to IDs. That left only 27,000 people registered without a photo ID but who could vote by signing an affidavit as to their identity.

Mr. Wilson told me by phone Thursday that he would file a challenge to the order in federal district court in January. Asked whether he felt South Carolina was being singled out, he declined to speculate on motives. However, citing the National Labor Relations Board’s order to invalidate the voter-approved union card check amendment, the NLRB’s order to stop a new Boeing Co. plant, and the Justice Department’s suit to halt the state’s immigration law, he said, “There certainly is a pattern of the federal government overreaching into South Carolina.”

Leading Democrats loudly equate recently enacted photo ID legislation as updated versions of Jim Crow laws that once robbed people of their constitutional right to vote simply because of their race. But photo ID laws and other voter integrity measures cover everyone. Like other states, South Carolina provides photo IDs if a person cannot afford one.

The U.S. Constitution empowers the states to enact voting procedures with minimal input from the national government, such as setting the voting age and election days for federal offices. The 15th and 19th amendments ensure that no one is denied the right to vote based on race or sex.

In 1965, Congress passed the Voting Rights Act, which authorizes the U.S. attorney general or a three-judge panel of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to review changes to voting procedures or redistricting in nine states (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia), some counties in California, Florida, New York, North Carolina and South Dakota, and some townships in Michigan and New Hampshire.

Congress did so to counter clearly established patterns of voter intimidation of blacks. Now, the Justice Department, which, under Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. could be renamed the Retribution Department, looks the other way depending on the race of the parties involved.

In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Indiana’s 2005 photo ID law, which the Democratic Party and several interest groups had challenged as a “severe burden.”

But, as American Civil Rights Union attorney Peter Ferrara noted in the group’s friend- of-the-court brief:

“No one has been denied the right to vote by the Indiana Voter ID Law. The record clearly establishes without challenge that 99 percent of the Voting Age Population in Indiana already has the required ID, in the form of driver’s licenses, passports, or other identification. Of the remaining 1 percent, senior citizens and the disabled are automatically eligible to vote by absentee ballot, and such absentee voting is exempt from the Voter ID Law.”

Does that sound “severe” to you?As Mr. Ferrara notes, “the slight burden of additional paperwork for a fraction of 1 percent, to show who they are and thereby prove their eligibility to vote, cannot come close to outweighing the interests of all legitimate legal voters in maintaining their effective vote.”

A bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform in 2005 chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker III found no evidence that requiring photo IDs would suppress the minority vote. The panel recommended a national photo ID system and a campaign to register voters.

In a 2008 column, Mr. Carter and Mr. Baker cited a study by American University’s Center for Democracy and Election Management that echoed the election commission. Among other things, researchers found that in three states – Indiana, Mississippi and Maryland – about 1.2 percent of registered voters had no photo ID.

Since the GOP took a majority of governorships and legislatures in 2010 and continued enacting voting safeguards, you can feel the panic in Democratic strongholds.

The Obama administration is playing the same race card that Democrats have played for decades. But this is not about race; it’s about whether legitimately cast votes will be wiped out by illegally cast votes.

In Chicago, a federal investigation of the 1982 gubernatorial election estimated that at least 100,000 illegal votes had been cast and that voter fraud had been routine for many years. In 1960, Mayor Richard J. Daley’s Chicago Democrat machine almost certainly sealed John F. Kennedy’s presidential election by delaying reporting by Democratic-controlled precincts and counting them for Kennedy.

Vice President Richard M. Nixon, the Republican candidate, had a compelling case for a challenge, but chose not to do so. The media would have crucified him as a sore loser without seriously investigating fraud allegations.

Conversely, in 2000, when Democrat Al Gore challenged George W. Bush’s razor-thin victory in Florida, the media flogged Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris because she refused to overlook “hanging chads” and other questionable vote counting.

The stakes are enormous, and the Obama administration is quite aware of the danger posed by an aroused electorate on a level playing field.

With the economy in a ditch, their only hope of stemming the conservative tide might be to rig the returns, especially where political machines still prevail.

Happy Labor Day: Top 10 union thug moments of the year

September 5, 2011 Leave a comment

As the MSM whitewashes Big Labor’s ugly threats, Tea Party smears, and history of coerced dues-subsidized racketeering this Labor Day, what better way to mark the holiday than with an illustrated list of top 10 union thug moments of the year……..  CLICK HERE TO READ THE LIST AND WATCH THE VIDEOS








Take a look at how this MORON at MSNBC attempts to place blame on the TEA Partiers for any future civil unrest.

Look at how petulant the other guest on the show is, shaking her fingers in his face as she says they’ve seen “”Organized Noise from the TEA Partiers.”  What a crock of crap.

The leftist leaders and messiah have been calling for violence in the streets, telling their glassy eyed minions to “get in our face”, assaulting us at rallies, threatening us and violating our rights.

Take a look at some of these zingers…

Liberals teaching children that beheading Sarah Palin is ok……


Communists (Liberals/Progressives/Democrats/They’reAllTheSameNow), threatening to murder Sarah Palin:


Watch this dumbass conveniently *forget* that it was the Democrats who supported Jim Crowe!


Watch “Comic” Chris Titus, threaten to assassinate Sarah Palin.  Hardy Har Har:


We don’t have to spin.  Facts are stubborn things. 


“Don’t you think we’re not keeping score, brother” – Chairman Obama

“Bring it on”- Obama Regime to The American People.

“Get ready for hand-to-hand combat with your fellow Americans” – Obama

“I want all Americans to get in each others faces! – Obama

“You bring a knife to a fight pal, we’ll bring a gun” – Obama

“Republicans are our enemies”–Obama

** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
** Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”

“I am going to strangle all Republicans who don’t agree with me politically”
– 5 Time Draft Dodger Biden

“the Cambridge Police acted Stupidly” ” – Beer Summit Gaffe Leader

“Democratic map with Republican targets on it”

“God Damn America” – Barrack Hussein Obama’s Spiritual Advisor

“We should rip the heart right out of the chest of a former Vice President of The United States!”
– Left Wing Hate Hero And Agitator for Leftist Terrorism – Shultz

Barack Hussain Obama (Barry Soetero, or whatever his real name is) and his Fellow Thugs in DC: THE Most Divisive, Racist, Anti-American Administration In America’s History.

More Zingers…..


Radical Domestic TERRORIST, Francis Fox Piven, Spewing “violent revolution” to the glassy eyed minions:

Here are just a *few* reasons:


Liberal, carrying “GANG BANG”” sign at TEA Party rally:

Who are the hate-mongers? If Conservatives spewed this kind of crap, they’d be in the slammer, awaiting charges.


Another Compilation of Hatriot Speech from Michelle Malkin’s website:


The Anti-Semitism of the left…


“Head Cracking”?  REALLY?:


Stupid little girls carry signs with death threats. This picture was taken at the commie circle jerk in DC last summer…


“Hand to Hand Combat”, B.O.?  REALLY?:




And WE, THE PEOPLE are “Terrorists”, according to the glassy eyed, racist,  terrorists:  (I hate it when a glassy eyed, racist, commie terrorist calls me a racist terrorist.)

Katie Couric….. Lackey for the regime…




When it begins for them, It will begin for us. When it begins for us, it will come to an end for them. They drew the lines when we were just living our lives. We will hear them fire first. They will hear us fire last.

If it comes to it it will be they who will bring it. It will be we who bring it to an end.






F U SEIU, ACLU, et al.


February 24, 2010 Leave a comment

I read this article this morning on the Rush Limbaugh site and it deserves sharing here.

Seems the Unions want to “FIGHT” now.   They want this LAUGHABLE healthcare scheme passed because their union thug bosses have embezzled all the money out of their coffers and they can’t pay their own health insurance as they’ve promised their minions.   They want YOU to pay, as they suck the last drop of blood out of our country.

They had best stop this type of incitement to violence (at the urging of our very own “President”, or they will soon get what they ask for.   These attacks are, I’m certain, well planned out by B.O. and his SPECIAL frequent visitor and co-conspirator, Andy Stern within the deep, dark crevices of our very own White House.

If anyone is guilty of incitement here, it’s B.O., his regime and these rotten bastards in the unions.  A couple of weeks ago we had a protest against our socialist senator patty murray and joe biden’s visit to Seattle.   Two days before the protest, Murray sent a request to her thugs in the unions to come out and confront us.  HOW DARE SHE INCITE VIOLENCE BETWEEN HER CONSTITUENTS HERE IN WASHINGTON STATE.

Careful what you ask for, foolish sheeple.  Some of us know how to fight a LOT better than you do, and We, The People outnumber you BY FAR.   WE”VE HAD IT WITH YOUR ABUSE AND YOUR CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, AND WE’RE NOT GOING TO ALLOW YOU TO DESTROY THIS COUNTRY. If you think for one minute that We, The People are going to sit back and allow you to take this country down the road to HELL, then you need to put your donuts and crack-pipe down for a minute and start paying attention to what’s REALLY happening in this country.  Have you no decency?  Do you even give one turd about your own children?  How do you bastards sleep at night?

Now what I’d like to know is this….  WHY hasn’t B.O. condemned this type of incitement from these rotten union thugs and from our so-called “Representatives” in DC?   BECAUSE THEY WANT US TO FIGHT.  THAT’S WHY.


RUSH: I have this in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers from the Communist Party USA’s People’s World, formerly the Daily Worker.  Columbus, Ohio: “‘I’m tired of rallies. I want to fight!’  So said Tim Burga, operations director of the Ohio AFL-CIO, addressing the hundreds who had braved the cold Feb. 20 to attend a ‘Pass It Now’ rally for health care reform at the SEIU Local 1199 hall here.”  In other words, Obama’s number one supporters showed up, these union thugs, and they said: “We want to fight! We don’t want any more rallies, we don’t want any more speeches, we want to fight.”  “There was a sense of real urgency in the hall, as speaker after speaker pounded on the point that, as Brian Rothenberg of Progress Ohio stated, ‘We now have 6 weeks to win the fight our people have been fighting since the Truman administration: health care for all!'”  Exactly what I told you yesterday.  It’s the Lord of the Rings being played out right before our very eyes.  “Becky Williams, president of SEIU, 1199, was interrupted by loud cheers as she led off the rally, telling the crowd, ‘We have three things to tell the administration and the majority in congress.  One — we worked for and voted for change last year. That means actually changing what was there when you got there. Two — we need for you to lead with courage, not be intimidated by Fox News and Teabaggers. Three, don’t be fooled by lies!’ she said. ‘If you do these things we’ll be with you, and the 66% of Americans who, according to polls are demanding that health care reform be passed.'” That’s a wrong number, union thugs.  But look where we get the information, from the Communist Party USA.  You don’t get this from the State-Controlled Media.  You get this from the Communist Party USA, and they’re out there.  Let me check something.  Grab audio sound bite number 13.  More union thug stuff here.  This is last Friday in Los Angeles at the SEIU offices, Service Employees International Union, the same bunch of thugs demanding a fight, no more rallies in Ohio on the 20th of February.  This is the Reform Immigration for America rally, Representative Xavier Becerra, Democrat, California, is in attendance, and an unidentified man, unidentified female rally leader have this exchange about how to start the meeting.MAN:  Can we start this meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance?  (laughing) No, I’m serious, Congressman, shouldn’t we say the Pledge of Allegiance if we all want to be citizens?  Wouldn’t that be appropriate to say the Pledge of Allegiance?

WOMAN:  Sure, of course.

MAN:  Okay, let’s do that.  Can everybody stand?  I’m happy to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

WOMAN:  Okay, let’s go for it.

RUSH:  If you see this, the room breaks out in laughter.  And this congressman, Xavier Becerra, is laughing along with the rest of the crowd at the thought of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. They then say okay and they do it

BREAK TRANSCRIPTRUSH:  Okay, here’s that David “Rodham” Gergen sound bite I was looking for, and the reason I didn’t find it is because I looked — now, never mind.  It’s a labeling thing.  Anyway, this is on CNN’s Situation Room last night, and Wolf Blitzer is talking to Gloria Borger and David “Rodham” Gergen about Obama’s health reform bill, and Blitzer says, “It’s unlikely to get the 60 votes to break a filibuster. They may not even be able to get 51 votes on this so-called reconciliation procedure. What are you hearing, Gloria from your sources?” which are just other people in the media.BORGER:  Everybody feels like their back is to the wall.  We have no choice but to get this done.  I’m told the president is going to refer to this as a, quote, starting document so that he can invite Republicans to join in and change the legislation.BLITZER:  David, you’re smiling.  Why are you smiling?

GERGEN:  Because it’s not a starting document.  As the — they’re putting it forward as the bill itself and you guys can come and make a few amendments, and the Republicans are saying, “Nonsense,” you know, “If you’re serious about this, let’s start over.”  The president may have trouble getting this through the House if he —

BORGER:  Right.

GERGEN:  — goes to the reconciliation process.  Rounding up the votes in the House is not going to be an easy task.

RUSH:  David “Rodham” Gergen is right about that.  Everybody is looking at the Senate here, and that’s not the place to look anymore, because they likely can get 51 votes if they go reconciliation.  I still think they’re bluffing about that, but they might not be.  But the House is where they’re going to have real problems.  That’s where they’re going to have problems.  You got people like Heath Shuler, who, on a normal day has an IQ a little bit north of a pencil eraser, saying, why are they bringing it back?  Can’t we just let this die?  These Blue Dogs don’t want any part of this.  And Newt had a good idea.  Yes, Newt had a good idea.  He said Obama says this is bipartisan, fine, Republicans ought to say you take three hours of this six-hour thing on Thursday and you give us three hours to run it ourselves, you run three and we’ll run three.  Of course Obama will reject that and out the door will go the notion of bipartisanship, which doesn’t exist anyway. 

BREAK TRANSCRIPTRUSH: Just in from “House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) told his colleagues on Tuesday that Republicans plan to attend the president’s high-profile healthcare summit this week in order to ‘crash the party.’  According to a House GOP leadership aide familiar with [Boehner]’s remarks at the weekly closed-door conference meeting, Boehner appealed to skeptical Republican lawmakers, saying, ‘We shouldn’t let the White House have a six-hour taxpayer-funded infomercial on ObamaCare. We need to show up. We need to crash the party.’ … Boehner explained that leaders are waiting for a response from White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to a letter they sent earlier this month that asked a series of questions on the bipartisan summit.  ‘It’s our intent to be there on Thursday. We’re waiting on a response and we’re hopeful that we’ll receive one soon,’ Boehner explained.”  I remember that letter.  It was all about, “Sounds to me like you guys already have your minds made up here, that this is just a trick. Many of your own people, Rahm, are saying it’s just a trick just to get us up there. Is this true?” They also sent the letter to Harry Reid and Pelosi. BREAK TRANSCRIPTRUSH: The Heritage Foundation has weighed in on Obama’s latest health care plan and the health care summit this Thursday.  Now, you heard me yesterday if you were listening, you heard me give my idea of a health care plan on this program and you heard Stacy, our insurance woman from Georgia immediately review the Obama plan, she’s the insurance guru here.  Heritage calls this meeting on Thursday a press stunt, which it is.  They said if it’s truly a sham of a meeting conservatives ought to boycott the event and call it for what it is.  But if they’re going to go, if they’re going to attend and the liberals are serious about bipartisan reform ideas, then Heritage has a whole bunch of them, and of course they always say that we never offer any ideas.  Well, how about allowing Americans to buy health insurance anywhere in the country?  How about opening up state insurance markets and forcing the nation’s health insurance companies, 1300 of them out there, to compete directly for consumers’ dollars without a bunch of state mandates getting in the way?  That’s what Heritage is thinking, and they got 101 other ideas all related to this press event on Thursday, good ideas for Americans, and they’re born at Heritage every day. 


RUSH:  Get this from State-Controlled Associated Press:  “Outlook No Brighter for Obama’s New Health Plan — Starting over on health care, President Barack Obama knows his chances aren’t looking much more promising. A year after he called for a far-reaching overhaul, Obama unveiled his most detailed plan yet on Monday. Realistically, he’s just hoping to win a big enough slice to silence the talk of a failing presidency.”  Yeah, it’s from State-Controlled Associated Press.  And then Steny Hoyer is out there saying — how many times you going to hear this? — “Public option on healthcare likely dead.”  Those union thugs who want to fight out there in Ohio are not going to be happy to hear about these two stories, my friends.  And yet.  Never mind.  I’m not going to say it again. 

BREAK TRANSCRIPTRUSH: Douglas Elmendorf, who runs the CBO, said that they can’t score Obama’s health care plan, there aren’t enough details.  “This morning the Obama Administration released a description of its health care proposal, and CBO has already received several requests to provide a cost estimate for that proposal. We had not previously received the proposal, and we have just begun the process of reviewing it — a process that will take some time, given the complexity of the issues involved,” blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  “Therefore, CBO cannot provide a cost estimate for the proposal without additional detail, and, even if such detail were provided, analyzing the proposal would be a time-consuming process that could not be completed this week.”  Certainly not by Thursday and the summit.  So they can’t score it, yet Obama is out there, “Oh, yeah, it won’t even cost a trillion. It’s not going to add to the deficit.”  The CBO guy is taking a big risk here by authoring this himself.  Now, the dirty little secret is, my friends, that it’s not an accident that Obama’s plan does not provide the CBO either the detail or the time to give a cost estimate.  See, that way Obama can continue to pretend that his $1 trillion plan doesn’t raise the deficit. (laughing) I can’t believe I said that.  After all, remember, Obama promised during his address to a joint session of Congress back in September, “I won’t sign any health care legislation if it adds one dime to the deficit now or in the future.”  That’s the same speech during which Congressman Joe Wilson got into so much trouble for blurting out “You lie.”  And yet the president continues to do just that.  I mean this is not even a plan.  It’s just another phony promise, typical Obama, still out there hustling hope and change.  Imagine this.  Imagine, ladies and gentlemen, a new business asking a bank for a loan and submitting a plan without a budget that extends at least three years out.  A banker would throw you out of his office, especially now.  Obama has submitted talking points. He’s calling these talking points a plan.  The private sector would never stand for this, couldn’t get away with it.  The president wanted to say he had a plan like all the other guys wearing big boy pants and there was one guy out there saying, “Mr. President, where is your plan?”  He doesn’t have a plan.  So I think it’s safe to say I can take blame for Obama presenting this thing.  There’s nothing to discuss.  Obama has once again embarrassed himself.  I don’t know who’s advising this guy.  He’s an agitator without experience or a compass.  He’s not grounded in reality and he doesn’t have a plan, specifically.  We know what the objective is.  It’s to take over the economy, health care particularly, for all of the reasons that we’ve stated, time in and time out.  

Now, here from is a story about how Obama wants to pay for health reform and basically it’s tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax.  I was going through this, picking out certain really offensive nuggets, but I gave up because the bottom line in this entire approach is sick, and I mean in a twisted, hubristic way of a special sickness.  This comes at the health insurance question from the perspective of refusing to recognize the sovereignty of the individual vis-a-vis the state.  And what’s worse, none of this is gonna work.  It will never be possible to tax our way to deficit reduction.  The money will be spent faster than the Bam gang could ever hope to have it come in, and what’s even more sick is they know this and they stand there and they just lie and lie and lie about it.  If Obama gets his way, a freely born American cannot even refuse the government’s help without being taxed.  

I’ll share with you as far as I got excerpting this.  Headline:  “How Obama Wants to Pay for Health Reform — Many of the changes the proposal calls for aren’t free. Obama proposes to pay for the additional burden on the federal coffers in several ways. Among those that would have a direct bearing on individuals and businesses, he would: Tax high-cost medical plans … Increase Medicare tax on high-income households … Require insurance coverage. He would impose a financial penalty on most Americans who don’t buy health insurance. … Require employers to pay if they don’t provide coverage. … Impose new fees on the health industry. … Trim various health-related tax breaks.”  I mean, it’s a tax bill, what he’s proposed here, and it always has been. 


Full article can be found here: