
Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Officer Darren Wilson of the Ferguson MO Police Department (here is what a broken eye socket looks like)

September 3, 2014 4 comments

Officer Darren Wilson of the Ferguson MO Police Department

Why aren’t the media releasing the photos of Police Officer Darren Wilson’s injuries after he was assaulted by “the unarmed black teenager”?
He was punched in the face before he emptied his weapon into the drugged “unarmed teenager”—here is what a broken eye socket looks like:
  af             1a


September 30, 2013 6 comments


“The time is now near at hand which will probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves, whether they are to have any property they can call their own, or whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed and they consigned to a state of wretchedness from which they cannot be delivered. Our cruel and unrelenting Enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance or the most abject submission.” ~General George Washington


This is a monumental moment in America, my fellow countrymen.  It’s time to take a stand or lose this Nation and your children FOREVER.

“But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored.  Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”

~John Adams

On October 11, 2013, I pray you will consider joining Patriots from ALL walks of life as we take the fight to DC and show those SOB’s we mean business and we will NOT allow them to take this Nation and Her Citizens down without a fight.

“The strength and power of despotism consists wholly in the fear of resistance.” ~
Thomas Paine

These Truckers, Bikers, Veterans, TEA Partiers and millions of ordinary Citizens across this Nation are in this TO THE END, and we can and WILL shut down this entire infrastructure should it be called for.  Think about it, folks….. Truckers transport each and EVERY physical necessity Americans use!  Toilet paper, water, gasoline, food, oil, livestock and livestock feed, paper towels, tires, automobiles, soap, chemicals… the list is ENDLESS.

“We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” ~Benjamin Franklin

If you must, use your vacation and sick time from work, take your children out of the schools and show them how to be free human beings, show your children that THEY are worth fighting for!  Show them that their Freedom and Liberties are the most important gift for which our Founding Fathers sacrificed so much. 

Patriots unable to make it to DC , PLEASE do what you can do to help.  If that means keeping your wallets closed from October 11th through the 13th (SHUT OFF THE MONEY!), volunteering to drive, volunteering to pet sit or watch children for those who are going, renting busses, overpass duty…. WHATEVER IT TAKES.

Folks, We MUST take a stand, or we will never again be able to.


Use whatever resources you have in order to take a stand and join this movement.  OUR NATION IS DYING.  Whatever you need to do to make this happen, it’s a price well worth paying.    It’s a sacrifice worth making, at WHATEVER COST.

“Those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it.” ~Thomas Paine

On October 11th, 2013, the RIDE FOR THE CONSTITUTION will be comprised of MILLIONS of Patriotic Americans all over this Nation joining these truckers who are FED UP with this unconstitutional cabal of tyrants we’ve got destroying this Nation and the future for our Children.

“I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.” ~Thomas Paine


It is time to take a stand, AMERICA!   Are your children and future descendents to be free men, or slaves?    Are they, and your Nation, WORTH FIGHTING FOR?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”  ~John F. Kennedy

“If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” ~Samuel Adams

Are YOU ready to take a stand?   For more information about AMERICA’S REVOLUTION, please visit:


<script height=”337px” width=”600px” src=””></script&gt;

This is from their website:

Trucker Shutdown – Oct.11th-13th

Radio talk show host Pete Santilli, who has recently announced that he is “ALL-IN” in support of the Trucker’s event has stated very clearly; “Americans are pissed, truckers are pissed, and our legislators are operating unconstitutionally.

If the federal government or their fascist partners in corporate trucking think they can stop any trucker or citizen from participating in this national event, then they are in for a big surprise.  I would LOVE to see the DHS sort out who in the big traffic jams across America is a protestor or simply stuck in traffic.  Washington DC will merely be symbolic and a photo opportunity in our nation’s capital — as far as I am concerned, we don’t even need Washington DC or those corrupt politicians to even run this country (they run it into the dirt is all they do).

I am calling upon every single American in every city with every vehicle to get out on the road in support of out truckers & the U.S. Constitution.  Let’s show these bastards who runs this place — they will NEVER be able to control a nationwide protest.

We are demanding that Congress follow the US Constitution immediately; Comply with our lawful demands, or their refusal will cause  a shutdown.  They either follow along with the plan by October 11th or they will be personally responsible for shutting our system down — they have a choice, but one of them is not to continue to operate lawlessly after October 11th.  We have one shot at doing this peacefully, lawfully and constitutionally, but if we do NOT rise up, the alternative is a horrifying collapse and a violent revolution.”


The Following Article From WND:

In less than two weeks, thousands of truckers will descend on Washington, D.C., driving their big-rigs and calling for the restoration of a constitutional republic – but now their plan has taken a new twist: Their friends and families will simultaneously join other Americans rallying on overpasses across the nation for Obama’s impeachment.

The Truckers’ Ride for the Constitution movement has a new ally in their protest against what organizers say is corruption in government and a trashing of the Constitution. The group is teaming up with Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment to line the routes into Washington with flags during the Oct. 11-13 event.

Both Houses of Congress are tentatively scheduled to be in session Oct. 11.

Truckers Ride for the Constitution leader and organizer Zeeda Andrews, a country singer and former truck driver, said Overpasses Founder James Neighbors reached out to her, suggesting the two groups form an alliance. Neighbors said the partnership is a “natural” merger for a common cause.

“Thousands of truckers have seen us across America,” he said. “We’ve gotten emails from them, thanking us for waking them up. The biker ride in D.C. happened. Then, the next thing you know, the trucker thing did, and we got even more emails from truckers across the country, thanking us.”

He added, “We are going to be out on the overpasses and at truck stops, encouraging the truckers to head to D.C., to join in with the others. They, in exchange, are encouraging their families who are at home to join us on the overpasses.”

Read the details of Obama’s actions and how they don’t align with the Constitution, in “Impeachable Offenses,” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.

Facebook tries to shut truckers down:

On Sept. 22, Facebook removed the truckers’ Facebook page, “Truckers to Shutdown America,” which had accumulated 86,000 “likes” within days of its launch.

“Political opponents attacked the Truckers to Shutdown America page within days, and they exploited a little known (to the public) feature on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter called ‘community standards’ flagging, which allows them to instantaneously shut down an account on these social media platforms,” the truckers group explained in a press release.

“[A]n administrator of the page offended someone by saying, ‘God bless you, and God bless America.”

Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif.

According to the group, radio talk-host Pete Santelli, of “The Pete Santelli Show,” has indicated that he “intends to take legal action against YouTube and Twitter on behalf of all truckers, their supporters, as well as other members of the public who are similarly harmed by these unconstitutional ‘community standards.’”

While the truckers’ group says it has made numerous attempts to appeal Facebook’s decision, the page remains unpublished.

Now the group is planning a special delivery to Facebook’s corporate headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., on the same day of the Washington, D.C., convoy.

“Ride for the Constitution will now organize a convoy to Facebook corporate headquarters … to coincide with the ride to Washington, D.C.,” the group explained. “We fully intend to arrive on corporate America’s doorstep with our original ‘community standards’ guideline in hand – the U.S. Constitution.”

The truckers also launched their website,, and created a second Facebook page called, “Truckers Ride for the Constitution.”

‘Wake up the sleeping giant’

What do they intend to accomplish with a convoy into Washington and nationwide rallies on overpasses?

Neighbors explained, “The goal is to wake up the sleeping giant, the people of America.”

Truckers co-organizer Benn Pam said the rally will be quite a patriotic scene.

“I think it’s great,” he said. “There are going to be thousands of trucks on the highways, flying flags. There are all of those people who are in the Overpasses campaign flying flags. Between the two groups, we may be covering a good part of the national highway network.”

Andrews said more organizations are expected to join the rally, and she has “two other huge groups that will give me a conformation.”

But this event isn’t just another political rally. The joint venture has clear objectives. Neighbors said one goal is to pressure Congress to begin the impeachment process.

“In doing so, the people can force Congress to act to begin by removing Obama from office,” he explained.

He said his group will also protest “RINOs and progressive Democrats” before the 2014 midterm elections.

Andrews said she believes connecting with the Overpasses group will help achieve her group’s aims.

“We both want to see an end to the unconstitutional laws in this country,” she said.

By joining forces, she said, both groups will get more publicity and video footage of the event.

However, the group’s short-term goal is to see a three-day cessation of business. Organizers are asking Americans to pre-purchase food and other necessities before Oct. 11 to send a message to Congress.

“We want to see the dollar stop circulating for three days,” Andrews said. “What we also want to see is deregulation for the truckers and our Constitution restored. We want to get rid of unconstitutional laws like the National Defense Authorization Act and the Patriot Act.”

Andrews also said she has a list of grievances she plans to present to every member of Congress before the trucks leave Washington.

Time to rally, contact lawmakers

Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment national coordinator and co-founder Rick Halle said he’s hopeful that the event will get Congress to remember its commitment to the Constitution.

“The ultimate result would be for our representatives to start taking their oath to protect and defend the Constitution seriously,” he said. “At the very least, we will get the message out to others who believe, as we do, that government corruption is rampant and that they are not alone.”

However, Halle admitted that Congress will only feel pressure if enough people rally in the streets and make their voices heard by calling their lawmakers.

“We believe that we will also wake some people up so they start paying attention,” he said. “If enough people wake up and start contacting their representatives, then we believe that they will have no choice but to take notice.”

Some critics in the trucking industry have taken to Facebook to condemn the upcoming protest.

American Trucking Associations spokesman Sean McNally said his group opposes Andrews’ activities.

“The American Trucking Associations is not a sponsor of this ‘strike’ nor do we endorse or condone the activities of these few individuals,” McNally said. “ATA and the vast majority of America’s truck drivers will continue to deliver the nation’s most essential goods unabated even while we continue to work through whatever policy disagreements we have with Congress and the administration.”

But Andrews is undeterred.

She said, “I have the truckers that I need.”


In less than two weeks, thousands of truckers will descend on Washington, D.C., driving their big-rigs and calling for the restoration of a constitutional republic – but now their plan has taken a new twist: Their friends and families will simultaneously join other Americans rallying on overpasses across the nation for Obama’s impeachment.

The Truckers’ Ride for the Constitution movement has a new ally in their protest against what organizers say is corruption in government and a trashing of the Constitution. The group is teaming up with Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment to line the routes into Washington with flags during the Oct. 11-13 event.

Both Houses of Congress are tentatively scheduled to be in session Oct. 11.

Truckers Ride for the Constitution leader and organizer Zeeda Andrews, a country singer and former truck driver, said Overpasses Founder James Neighbors reached out to her, suggesting the two groups form an alliance. Neighbors said the partnership is a “natural” merger for a common cause.

“Thousands of truckers have seen us across America,” he said. “We’ve gotten emails from them, thanking us for waking them up. The biker ride in D.C. happened. Then, the next thing you know, the trucker thing did, and we got even more emails from truckers across the country, thanking us.”

He added, “We are going to be out on the overpasses and at truck stops, encouraging the truckers to head to D.C., to join in with the others. They, in exchange, are encouraging their families who are at home to join us on the overpasses.”

Read the details of Obama’s actions and how they don’t align with the Constitution, in “Impeachable Offenses,” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.

Facebook tries to shut truckers down

On Sept. 22, Facebook removed the truckers’ Facebook page, “Truckers to Shutdown America,” which had accumulated 86,000 “likes” within days of its launch.

“Political opponents attacked the Truckers to Shutdown America page within days, and they exploited a little known (to the public) feature on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter called ‘community standards’ flagging, which allows them to instantaneously shut down an account on these social media platforms,” the truckers group explained in a press release.

“[A]n administrator of the page offended someone by saying, ‘God bless you, and God bless America.”

Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif.

According to the group, radio talk-host Pete Santelli, of “The Pete Santelli Show,” has indicated that he “intends to take legal action against YouTube and Twitter on behalf of all truckers, their supporters, as well as other members of the public who are similarly harmed by these unconstitutional ‘community standards.’”

While the truckers’ group says it has made numerous attempts to appeal Facebook’s decision, the page remains unpublished.

Now the group is planning a special delivery to Facebook’s corporate headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., on the same day of the Washington, D.C., convoy.

“Ride for the Constitution will now organize a convoy to Facebook corporate headquarters … to coincide with the ride to Washington, D.C.,” the group explained. “We fully intend to arrive on corporate America’s doorstep with our original ‘community standards’ guideline in hand – the U.S. Constitution.”

The truckers also launched their website,, and created a second Facebook page called, “Truckers Ride for the Constitution.”

‘Wake up the sleeping giant’

What do they intend to accomplish with a convoy into Washington and nationwide rallies on overpasses?

Neighbors explained, “The goal is to wake up the sleeping giant, the people of America.”

Truckers co-organizer Benn Pam said the rally will be quite a patriotic scene.

“I think it’s great,” he said. “There are going to be thousands of trucks on the highways, flying flags. There are all of those people who are in the Overpasses campaign flying flags. Between the two groups, we may be covering a good part of the national highway network.”

Andrews said more organizations are expected to join the rally, and she has “two other huge groups that will give me a conformation.”

But this event isn’t just another political rally. The joint venture has clear objectives. Neighbors said one goal is to pressure Congress to begin the impeachment process.

“In doing so, the people can force Congress to act to begin by removing Obama from office,” he explained.

He said his group will also protest “RINOs and progressive Democrats” before the 2014 midterm elections.

Andrews said she believes connecting with the Overpasses group will help achieve her group’s aims.

“We both want to see an end to the unconstitutional laws in this country,” she said.

By joining forces, she said, both groups will get more publicity and video footage of the event.

However, the group’s short-term goal is to see a three-day cessation of business. Organizers are asking Americans to pre-purchase food and other necessities before Oct. 11 to send a message to Congress.

“We want to see the dollar stop circulating for three days,” Andrews said. “What we also want to see is deregulation for the truckers and our Constitution restored. We want to get rid of unconstitutional laws like the National Defense Authorization Act and the Patriot Act.”

Andrews also said she has a list of grievances she plans to present to every member of Congress before the trucks leave Washington.

Time to rally, contact lawmakers

Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment national coordinator and co-founder Rick Halle said he’s hopeful that the event will get Congress to remember its commitment to the Constitution.

“The ultimate result would be for our representatives to start taking their oath to protect and defend the Constitution seriously,” he said. “At the very least, we will get the message out to others who believe, as we do, that government corruption is rampant and that they are not alone.”

However, Halle admitted that Congress will only feel pressure if enough people rally in the streets and make their voices heard by calling their lawmakers.

“We believe that we will also wake some people up so they start paying attention,” he said. “If enough people wake up and start contacting their representatives, then we believe that they will have no choice but to take notice.”

Some critics in the trucking industry have taken to Facebook to condemn the upcoming protest.

American Trucking Associations spokesman Sean McNally said his group opposes Andrews’ activities.

“The American Trucking Associations is not a sponsor of this ‘strike’ nor do we endorse or condone the activities of these few individuals,” McNally said. “ATA and the vast majority of America’s truck drivers will continue to deliver the nation’s most essential goods unabated even while we continue to work through whatever policy disagreements we have with Congress and the administration.”

But Andrews is undeterred.

She said, “I have the truckers that I need.”

In less than two weeks, thousands of truckers will descend on Washington, D.C., driving their big-rigs and calling for the restoration of a constitutional republic – but now their plan has taken a new twist: Their friends and families will simultaneously join other Americans rallying on overpasses across the nation for Obama’s impeachment.

The Truckers’ Ride for the Constitution movement has a new ally in their protest against what organizers say is corruption in government and a trashing of the Constitution. The group is teaming up with Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment to line the routes into Washington with flags during the Oct. 11-13 event.

Both Houses of Congress are tentatively scheduled to be in session Oct. 11.

Truckers Ride for the Constitution leader and organizer Zeeda Andrews, a country singer and former truck driver, said Overpasses Founder James Neighbors reached out to her, suggesting the two groups form an alliance. Neighbors said the partnership is a “natural” merger for a common cause.

“Thousands of truckers have seen us across America,” he said. “We’ve gotten emails from them, thanking us for waking them up. The biker ride in D.C. happened. Then, the next thing you know, the trucker thing did, and we got even more emails from truckers across the country, thanking us.”

He added, “We are going to be out on the overpasses and at truck stops, encouraging the truckers to head to D.C., to join in with the others. They, in exchange, are encouraging their families who are at home to join us on the overpasses.”

Read the details of Obama’s actions and how they don’t align with the Constitution, in “Impeachable Offenses,” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.

Facebook tries to shut truckers down

On Sept. 22, Facebook removed the truckers’ Facebook page, “Truckers to Shutdown America,” which had accumulated 86,000 “likes” within days of its launch.

“Political opponents attacked the Truckers to Shutdown America page within days, and they exploited a little known (to the public) feature on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter called ‘community standards’ flagging, which allows them to instantaneously shut down an account on these social media platforms,” the truckers group explained in a press release.

“[A]n administrator of the page offended someone by saying, ‘God bless you, and God bless America.”

Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif.

According to the group, radio talk-host Pete Santelli, of “The Pete Santelli Show,” has indicated that he “intends to take legal action against YouTube and Twitter on behalf of all truckers, their supporters, as well as other members of the public who are similarly harmed by these unconstitutional ‘community standards.’”

While the truckers’ group says it has made numerous attempts to appeal Facebook’s decision, the page remains unpublished.

Now the group is planning a special delivery to Facebook’s corporate headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., on the same day of the Washington, D.C., convoy.

“Ride for the Constitution will now organize a convoy to Facebook corporate headquarters … to coincide with the ride to Washington, D.C.,” the group explained. “We fully intend to arrive on corporate America’s doorstep with our original ‘community standards’ guideline in hand – the U.S. Constitution.”

The truckers also launched their website,, and created a second Facebook page called, “Truckers Ride for the Constitution.”

‘Wake up the sleeping giant’

What do they intend to accomplish with a convoy into Washington and nationwide rallies on overpasses?

Neighbors explained, “The goal is to wake up the sleeping giant, the people of America.”

Truckers co-organizer Benn Pam said the rally will be quite a patriotic scene.

“I think it’s great,” he said. “There are going to be thousands of trucks on the highways, flying flags. There are all of those people who are in the Overpasses campaign flying flags. Between the two groups, we may be covering a good part of the national highway network.”

Andrews said more organizations are expected to join the rally, and she has “two other huge groups that will give me a conformation.”

But this event isn’t just another political rally. The joint venture has clear objectives. Neighbors said one goal is to pressure Congress to begin the impeachment process.

“In doing so, the people can force Congress to act to begin by removing Obama from office,” he explained.

He said his group will also protest “RINOs and progressive Democrats” before the 2014 midterm elections.

Andrews said she believes connecting with the Overpasses group will help achieve her group’s aims.

“We both want to see an end to the unconstitutional laws in this country,” she said.

By joining forces, she said, both groups will get more publicity and video footage of the event.

However, the group’s short-term goal is to see a three-day cessation of business. Organizers are asking Americans to pre-purchase food and other necessities before Oct. 11 to send a message to Congress.

“We want to see the dollar stop circulating for three days,” Andrews said. “What we also want to see is deregulation for the truckers and our Constitution restored. We want to get rid of unconstitutional laws like the National Defense Authorization Act and the Patriot Act.”

Andrews also said she has a list of grievances she plans to present to every member of Congress before the trucks leave Washington.

Time to rally, contact lawmakers

Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment national coordinator and co-founder Rick Halle said he’s hopeful that the event will get Congress to remember its commitment to the Constitution.

“The ultimate result would be for our representatives to start taking their oath to protect and defend the Constitution seriously,” he said. “At the very least, we will get the message out to others who believe, as we do, that government corruption is rampant and that they are not alone.”

However, Halle admitted that Congress will only feel pressure if enough people rally in the streets and make their voices heard by calling their lawmakers.

“We believe that we will also wake some people up so they start paying attention,” he said. “If enough people wake up and start contacting their representatives, then we believe that they will have no choice but to take notice.”

Some critics in the trucking industry have taken to Facebook to condemn the upcoming protest.

American Trucking Associations spokesman Sean McNally said his group opposes Andrews’ activities.

“The American Trucking Associations is not a sponsor of this ‘strike’ nor do we endorse or condone the activities of these few individuals,” McNally said. “ATA and the vast majority of America’s truck drivers will continue to deliver the nation’s most essential goods unabated even while we continue to work through whatever policy disagreements we have with Congress and the administration.”

But Andrews is undeterred.

She said, “I have the truckers that I need.”


PROOF: Government PLANNED Monday’s DC Naval Base Mass Murder

September 17, 2013 1 comment



Video Courtesy of D.Simons  TPC  Hat tip D.SImons. Thank you very much.


“The ends justify the means.”


Very well. As long as we understand the “rules”.

Socialists ready to make power grab of world citizens’ money

March 17, 2013 1 comment

TWG:  Isn’t socialism wonderful?  Too bad our youth have been brainwashed to advocate for and beg for this monumental crap sandwich.  They’re going to feel the pain FAR more than any of us will.

Hat tip for the forward, @lonemusketeer


What’s happening in Cyprus should send a chill over the entire world

– Judi McLeod


Get your money out of the banks.Due to an “emergency deal reached today in Brussels”,  a one-time 9.9% tax is to be levied on Cypriot bank deposits of more than 100,000 euros effective Tuesday, March 19.


Virtually overnight and with no warning of any kind,  the emergency tax deal was imposed on the people of Cyprus without vote or debate.  People ran to ATM machines today only to discover that the taxed amount of their cash had already been frozen.

Monday in Cyprus is a national holiday, the first day of Greek Orthodox Easter.

Nor is this emergency only inflicted upon the so-called rich as even deposits under 100,000 euros will now be taxed at 6.7%.

“If it can happen in Cyprus, it can happen anywhere,” worried British correspondent Anna Grayson told Canada Free Press (CFP) in an overseas telephone call today.

“Is this why the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has purchased millions of hollow point bullets, is this why rumors of an underground bunker being built for Obama are circulating?”

The bottom line of the Cyprus story is that politicians are forcing a new 10 billion euro bailout—to be paid directly from the bank accounts of ordinary people….





February 24, 2013 2 comments

By a vote of 20-0, a bill that bans cooperation with federal agents over the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has just passed the Montana House Judiciary Committee. Known as HB 522, the bill would also require the state’s attorney general to report any attempts by federal officials who try to enforce the NDAA. HB 522 is now one step closer to becoming law.


January 19, 2013 is “National Gun Appreciation Day”

January 8, 2013 2 comments

Here in Montana, we have the first week in March, beginning on the first Monday, designated as Right to Keep and Bear Arms Week. 1-1-224, M.C.A. Written and pushed by MSSA, this law establishes the first week of March as an official period for Montanans to celebrate their cherished right to keep and bear arms.




For Immediate Release:   1/7/2013

Washington, D.C. – A new coalition of gun rights and conservative groups has proclaimed January 19, 2013, “Gun Appreciation Day” (GAD) and begun urging Americans nationwide to show their support for gun ownership by turning out en masse at gun stores, ranges, and shows from coast to coast.

Scheduled to send a message to Washington two days before Obama’s second inauguration, the “Gun Appreciation Day” is expected to rival “Chick-fil-A Day” as a public statement of protest against government policies.

Gun rights movement leader Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation and chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms stated, “ We need to ban politicians who assault our rights not firearms that are used thousands of times a day to protect lives and property from criminal attack.”

“The Obama administration has shown that it is more than willing to trample the Constitution to impose its dictates upon the American people,” said Gun Appreciation Day chairman Larry Ward, president of Political Media, Inc. “If the American people don’t fight back now, Obama will do the Second Amendment what he has already done to the First with Obamacare – gut it without a moment’s thought to our basic constitutional rights.”

The Gun Appreciation Day currently includes the following coalition members: Second Amendment Foundation, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Special Operations Speaks, Revolution PAC, Citizens and Country, Social Security Institute, Committee to Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano, Conservative Action Alerts, Women Warriors PAC, Conservative Action Fund, and Political Media, Inc. Additional organizations are expected to join in the days ahead.

Gun Appreciation Day member organizations are urging their supporters to line up “around the block” at gun stores, gun counters, gun shows, and gun ranges to protest the Obama administration’s post Sandy Hook assault on gun rights. The organizations expect to reach more than 50 million Americans over the next two weeks in support of the Gun Appreciation Day online, on air and in their members’ inboxes.

“We have never had a president who so callously disregards the Constitution, Congress, the courts, and the will of the American people,” Ward said. “And that’s why this outpouring of public support is so important for our constitutional safeguards to keep and bear arms. If, as this president claims, the American people are at risk from murderous rampagers, the logical solution is to arm, not present a docile target.”

The GAD website can be found at

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. In addition to the landmark McDonald v. Chicago Supreme Court Case, SAF has previously funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles; New Haven, CT; New Orleans; Chicago and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners, a lawsuit against the cities suing gun makers and numerous amicus briefs holding the Second Amendment as an individual right.



Is America Working Toward ZERO GNP/GDP? Ask Czar Holdren.

September 27, 2012 3 comments

obama’s Science and Technology Czar John Holdren has stated that he’s in favor of zero population growth but also zero economic growth. (Czar Holdren has no formal science training.) He WANTS a zero GNP/GDP, and here’s one of the quotes from his book, Ecoscience:

“Population, Resources and Environment was, it is now abundantly clear that the GNP cannot grow forever. Why should it? Why should we not strive for zero economic growth as well as zero population growth.”


They’ve got the population “problem” covered with their mass murder of innocent children via the racist, eugenics planned {anti}parenthood abortion chain.

“We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the negro population.”  ~Margaret Sanger, Founder of planned parenthood


U.S. 2Q GDP Growth Revised Down to 1.3%

RECOIL Magazine editor makes controversial statement, hell breaks loose

September 18, 2012 1 comment

In a recent review of Heckler & Koch’s MP7 compact personal defense weapon (PDW), RECOIL Magazine editor Jerry Tsai pointed out that the firearm, because of HK’s own restrictions, was not available to the general public. This wouldn’t be so bad on it’s own, that is HK’s policy; the problem is that Tsai agreed with it.

“The MP71A is unavailable to civilians and for good measure. We all know that’s technology no civvies should ever get to lay their hands on. This is a purpose-built weapon with no sporting applications to speak of.” (Emphasis ours.) The sky’s the limit with the problems with that sentence. First and foremost is the idea that “civvies” have to have some reason to own certain guns. That somehow guns with “sporting purposes” are any less dangerous than those designed for combat. 

H&K MP7 PDW Cutaway

And then for Tsai and RECOIL Magazine, things went from bad to worse…..


Chick-Fil-A Opening a Billings Montana Location For One Day! Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 2, 2012 2 comments

[TWG: I’m glad to see them making an appearance here in Montana.  Many of us here wanted to show our appreciation for the statements made by the Chick-Fil-A’s COO Dan Cathy and now we’ll be given an opportunity to do so.  BRAVO!] 


Calling it an opportunity to support traditional family values the Montana Family Foundation will open a Chick-fil-A drive through in Billings for one day in September. The chicken will be available for one day only in Billings’ west end on Saturday, September 8th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. This one-day drive-thru event is called Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day 2.0. For a suggested donation of $20 per person the public is invited to attend this fund-raising event where hot Chick-fil-A chicken, coleslaw and chocolate chip cookies will be available to the first 1000 people.

The restaurant chain became the focus of support and condemnation this summer when Chick-fil-A COO Dan Cathy made several public statements supporting what he believes to be “the traditional family,” saying about same-sex marriage that those who “have the audacity to define what marriage is about” were “inviting God’s judgment on our nation”. Cathy’s statements were met by students at several colleges and universities who worked to ban or remove the company’s restaurants from their campuses. Several politicians expressed disapproval. Cathy had plenty of support as well. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee initiated a Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day movement to counter a boycott of Chick-fil-A launched by same-sex marriage activists. More than 600,000 people RSVPed on Facebook for Huckabee’s appreciation event.

On August 1, Chick-fil-A restaurants experienced a large show of public support across the nation with the company reporting record-breaking sales.

The Billings event will be held at 328 S. Shiloh Road.

Jeff Laszloffy, President/CEO of the Montana Family Foundation said, “A majority of the citizens of Montana share the same conservative values as Dan Cathy and solidified them as the law in 2004 when Montana voted to amend its Constitution to define marriage as being exclusively between one man and one woman in this state.”
“Since Chick-fil-A doesn’t yet have locations in our state most Montanan’s were unable to participate in the national event in August. So we created Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day 2.0 on Saturday, September 8th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and invite the Treasure State to join the celebration and help support the Montana Family Foundation’s efforts.”



Brandon Darby: Anarchists Plan to Take Down Emergency Medical Services at RNC

August 26, 2012 Leave a comment

[TWG: Soooooooooo…… the ows marxist shitstains are going to play terrorists again. Nothing new there. They’ve been trying to terrorize American citizens for years now. I just hope the police are ready for those vermin this time.  I wonder how long those terrorists can pull this crap before Conservatives and other Patriotic Americans start putting them all in a cardboard box and shoving them down the sewer, where they belong.   Below this article I’ve included the list of maggots behind the ows terrorist klan as well as an interesting read about that terrorist group, written by Thomas Sowell.]


Brandon Darby: Anarchists Plan to Take Down Emergency Medical Services at RNC

by John Sexton 25 Aug 2012

Yesterday, I interviewed my co-worker Brandon Darby as he was traveling toward the Republican National Convention in Florida. The interview focused on strategies used by anarchist protesters at the 2008 Republican National Convention and how those strategies will be used once again next week by the Occupy movement.

In addition to trying to shut down bridges to prevent delegates from reaching the convention center next week, Brandon has learned that a subgroup of Occupy is looking to shut down EMS communications throughout the city.

The video that goes along with this interview is one Brandon took at the RNC convention while working undercover for the FBI in 2008. Some of it is a bit jumpy, but you’ll see some of the street blocking tactics as well as several instances of individuals throwing items onto a freeway from an overpass.

Both the audio and video have been edited for content and brevity. What follows is the seven minute interview/video and a complete transcript of Brandon’s comments as they appear in the clip:


Brandon Darby: The video I gave you is interesting because it’s a video surveillance I took of one section of the Republican National Convention welcoming committee. Several of the clips of video were used in the prosecution of David McKay and Bradley Neal Crowder.

What happened at the Republican National Convention in ’08 is that the overall liberal, Democratic protests were organized by a group called United for Peace and Justice. Now these were the mainstream liberal protesters, not the ones who would violate the law or violate a police order or anything crazy. Now what was interesting is that the same group of people organizing the mainstream liberal protests also organized a breakaway group called the RNC Welcoming Committee and it was 500 to 1,000 anarchists. And their goal was to shut down the Republican National Convention by any means necessary.

Now they had meetings for a long time before and what they ultimately decided to do—and it was folks like Lisa Fithian leading the training, and I know because I was in the training…undercover —but what they did is they mapped out the city, maps with corporate targets, business leaders home addresses, and Republican delegates home addresses, and also where the hotels were the delegates were going to be staying in. And they handed out these maps and then they showed people videos of Molotov cocktails and various other criminal behavior and asked everyone to be creative and feel free to use what they called a diversity of tactics and to make sure the Republican National Convention can’t occur, you know, can’t happen.

In a later planning session they mapped out the area around the convention center; they divided it into several sections. Then each group of anarchists of their RNC Welcoming Committee—which we now call Occupy—each group was responsible for a different sector. They had organized everyone into three groups of people. There was the red, the yellow, and the green. What they decided was that the yellow group was going be the group that would be arrestable. They were the ones who were going to get arrested. They were going to chain their arms and hands together in PVC pipe so that the cops couldn’t cut ‘em out without injuring them. But they were going to chain themselves across the major arteries so that the delegates could not get to the convention center.

Now, Lisa Fithian and the organizers, they realized that the police were not going to allow a group to set up and do that, allow the yellow group to do that. So they figured they could use the green group, the green group being the mainstream liberal and Democratic protesters who would never violate the law intentionally. So the organizers would manipulate the green group to get into the street and protest. The green group’s not realizing that they’re being used to cover illegal behavior that’s interfering with the rights of other Americans to assemble. And then when the police told the green group to get out they would slow the green group down and try to keep them from getting out of the road. Well eventually the green group would get out of the road. And if that didn’t give the yellow group enough time to finish locking down across the road, then the red group—which are the black mask wearing anarchists would come in—and the red group would actually begin to attack police.

Last time they made riot shields that they had made out of stolen traffic barrels and the riot shields had protruding sharpened deck screws from them. And they had their signs where, their protests signs were made out of heavy, heavy sticks so they could actually have a weapon against police but police couldn’t take them or else they were violating their rights to free speech.

And they would send the red group in to attack the police and then the red group would flee and then that would give the yellow group enough time to lock down and shut the RNC down. Well what was interesting about it, is that when the red group fled then the police would treat the protesters—because they’re all one protest—they would treat them as though they had just been attacked, because they had been. Well then the green group would look like they were innocent protesters who were getting attacked and in their minds they were because they didn’t realize that Lisa Fithian and the leaders were using them as part of this effort to violently attack police and attack conservatives.

So the buses that did get through when they were held up by the yellow group, then the red group would come back and the red group threw bricks and flagstones through the windows, they slashed the tires of the buses, they threw bleach and urine in the delegates faces and they attacked the buses and the people on the buses. And that’s what they’re going to do this time.

So that was…the red, yellow, green concept is very important for people to realize that that’s what’s occurring. So people have to remember, this isn’t a bunch of unorganized and disorganized kids. This is Lisa Fithian, she’s the one who led the unions and the anarchists to shut down Seattle at the ’99 World Trade Organization protest in Seattle. It’s not something to play around with because when this is all said and done the FBI informants will have stopped bomb plots just as they and I did last time. And when that happens conservatives need to rally around because the left media and the entire left establishment who claims they have nothing to do with these anarchists, they will defend them and dirty the name of anybody who exposes them just as they did to me and just as they did to Andrew. They will defend their darlings and attack the character of anyone who holds them accountable and calls them out. And that’s what’s going to happen this time. We need to stand up as a movement, recognize what the threats are, and we need to defend the people who are keeping us safe and hold accountable and demand accountability for the people who are trying to interfere with our rights to assemble.

The other thing that they’re trying to do is that they have a coms group—and this is breaking news you need to know this—they have a coms group that is trying to shut down the EMS communications structure for the city. That’s really happening. They’re trying to shut down the communications structure for the city for law enforcement and emergency medical personnel.

People don’t realize that these demonstrations, they have a sophisticated communications structure. Like before they have one of these demonstrations, whether it’s this one or whether it’s WTO or whether it’s, whatever it is, whether it’s IMF…When these people when this global movement of anarchists that protests these things they have to rent space and have extra cooling systems and have massive cable networks and they have to have to have a lot of communications equipment, a lot of computer equipment. It’s not like a bunch of people are going to show up and talk on their cell phones. They have some massive computer equipment and their goal is to shut us down.

And no, they’re not going to do the same thing at the DNC, that’s the thing, is because the radicals feel like the average liberal is confused but they have dehumanized completely the conservative. And so they feel they are entitled to take our rights away when they’re not going to do that at the DNC. That’s the difference.



Article: Occupy Wall Street, By Thomas Sowell





The 99%: Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors and sympathizers

October 31, 2011 – 10:48 am – by Zombie

The Occupy Wall Street movement has received so much media coverage in recent weeks that it’s nearly impossible to keep abreast of all the developments. So many endorsements and criticisms coming from all directions enter the news cycle in such rapid succession that even the most dedicated news junkies may have missed out on many of the pronouncements. Supporters and detractors of OWS both might find it useful to have a handy all-inclusive list of who has endorsed or embraced the protest.

To satisfy that demand, we hereby present a list of groups, organizations, individuals and entities that have expressed their support for, sponsorship of, or sympathy for the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Note: All entries on this list are real and verified. Below each entry you will find a series of source links documenting the support for OWS. We have striven in almost all cases to reference either first-hand statements by the groups or individuals themselves, hosted on their own Web sites; or videos of the people in question voicing their support for OWS at various Occupations; or news reports from reliable mainstream networks; or articles by publications or organizations sympathetic to the Occupy movement; or indisputable evidence, whatever the source. As a result, it cannot be claimed that these statements of support were made up or distorted by detractors of the Occupy movement.

As each new controversial endorsement has appeared over the last month, OWS supporters have dismissed them one by one as “isolated examples” that don’t reflect any overall trend toward extremism. But when viewed in aggregate like this, it becomes much more difficult to dismiss any individual endorsement as an aberration; instead, an undeniable pattern emerges.

This list is obviously incomplete; we hope to update it over the upcoming days and weeks.

If you think we’ve left out any well-known endorsers for which there is solid evidence, then please post suggestions and evidentiary links in the comments section; but please try to supply links that will stand up to any potential claims of misrepresentation.

If you disagree with the inclusion of any of the entries on this list, please post your reasoning and any contravening source links in the comments section, and we will take the evidence into account when updating the list.

Members of the media, bloggers, activists, OWS supporters and detractors as well are all free to repost this list, in whole or in part, without any restrictions. Do note, however, that it may be updated over time, so make sure to get the latest version.

And without further ado, here is…

The 99%: Official list of Occupy Wall Street’s supporters, sponsors and sympathizers

Communist Party USA


Communist Party USA, OWS speech, The Daily Caller

American Nazi Party


Media Matters, American Nazi Party, White Honor, Sunshine State News

Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran


The Guardian, Tehran Times, CBS News

Barack Obama


ABC News, CBS News, ForexTV, NBC New York

The government of North Korea


Korean Central News Agency (North Korean state-controlled news outlet), The Marxist-Leninist, Wall Street Journal, Times of India

Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam


video statement (starting at 8:28), Black in America, Weasel Zippers, Philadelphia Weekly

Revolutionary Communist Party


Revolutionary Communist Party, Revolution newspaper, in-person appearance

David Duke


Talking Points Memo, video statement,

Joe Biden


Talking Points Memo, video statement, Mother Jones

Hugo Chavez


Mother Jones, Reuters,

Revolutionary Guards of Iran


Associated Press, FARS News Agency, UPI

Black Panthers (original)


in-person appearance, Occupy Oakland, Oakland Tribune

Socialist Party USA


Socialist Party USA, IndyMedia, The Daily Caller

US Border Guard


White Reference,, Gateway Pundit, Just Another Day blog

Industrial Workers of the World


IWW web site,, in-person appearances



in-person appearance, Washington Post, CAIR, CAIR New York

Nancy Pelosi


Talking Points Memo, video statement, ABC News, The Weekly Standard

Communist Party of China


People’s Daily (Communist Party organ), Reuters,, The Telegraph


      Sources:, (2), (3), wikipedia


      Sources: (1), (2), (3)

International Bolshevik Tendency

      Sources:, Wire Magazine



Adbusters, The Guardian, video statement

White Revolution


International Socialist Organization


Socialist Worker,, in-person appearance

PressTV (Iranian government outlet)


PressTV, wikipedia

Marxist Student Union


Marxist Student Union, Big Government,

Freedom Road Socialist Organization


FightBack News,



ANSWER press release, ANSWER web site, Xinhua

Party for Socialism and Liberation


Liberation News (1),, The Daily Free Press, Liberation News (2)