
Posts Tagged ‘iclei’

Agenda 21 & ICLEI A Horrendous Crime Against Humanity

October 15, 2012 17 comments

[TWG: I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this story on yahoo news today.  The mainstream media has done everything they can to hide this scandal.  Agenda 21 IS TREASON and it is evil to it’s very core.  Far too many people have no idea what this is and what it means for property rights, American Sovereignty and humanity as a whole.  If you’re not involved in fighting this treasonous effort, PLEASE get involved at your local level and find out where your city and county council members are focusing their efforts.  Following this article, I’ve included a white paper written by Karen Sweetland, who has worked diligently on fighting this massive conspiracy.  PLEASE learn what this is about and do your part to fight it locally within your own city/county council and State Government.]


Tea Party versus Agenda 21: Saving the U.S. or just irking it?

By Nick Carey | Reuters

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa (Reuters) – Tea Party activist Judd Saul admits that he can sound a little unhinged when he gets talking about an issue close to his heart that most Americans have never heard of.

“Agenda 21 is an elusive enemy that floats in and chokes you gradually,” said Saul, of the Cedar Valley Tea Party in Cedar Falls, Iowa. “They want to destroy the middle-class way of life.”

“Agenda 21 aims to undermine your property rights and force you” to live in cities, Jake Robinson told Tea Party members at a meeting in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, in April.

For Joe Dugan, leader of the Myrtle Beach Tea Party in South Carolina, “Agenda 21 is nothing short of treason.”

If you don’t know what Agenda 21 is, you’re not alone – only about 15 percent of Americans do. It is a nonbinding U.N. resolution signed by more than 170 world leaders (including Republican U.S. President George H.W. Bush) at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro as a way to promote sustainable development in the face of a rapidly growing global population.

A small percentage of Americans say it is an attack on their very existence – part of a grand conspiracy to take away their gun rights, destroy suburbia and turn America into a modern-day Soviet state.

At a local level across the country, conservative activists linked to the Tea Party movement have rallied around the cause of blocking development they say is part of the conspiracy.

Kim Simac, a member of the Northwoods Patriots in northern Wisconsin, believes a local sustainable development plan will shut down her horse-riding school because her business takes up more land than the plan allows for. Heather Gass says she has been fighting sustainable development plans in the San Francisco area that she says will include hefty road tolls and deliberately drive up gas prices “because they want to force us out of our cars.”

“It sounds crazy, but it’s true,” she added.

Activists dislike the use of multi-unit apartment buildings in city plans – which they call “stack ’em and pack ’em” units – as well as bike lanes and other zoning restrictions they say impinge upon the value of their property and rights.

“Property ownership is the essence of the American dream and a cornerstone of the American economy,” said John Anthony, a conservative small business owner in New Jersey who has devoted a lot of time to studying Agenda 21. “When you diminish property values, you shrink the net worth of the entire middle class.”

Republicans at the state level have passed or tried to pass laws aimed at Agenda 21 and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), an international association of local governments. ICLEI was formed in 1990, and its promotion of sustainable development at the local government level has made it synonymous with Agenda 21 to Tea Party opponents. Activists have gone after the ICLEI in their attacks and the group has lost 29 U.S. members as a result.

This summer, Alabama passed a property rights bill targeting Agenda 21, which was signed by Governor Robert Bentley – his office did not respond to a request for comment. Anti-Agenda 21 resolutions were also passed in Kansas and New Hampshire.

Campaigners managed to persuade the Republican National Committee to pass a resolution on the “destructive and insidious” plan being “covertly pushed into local communities,” and the party’s 2012 platform approved in August stated: “We strongly reject the U.N. Agenda 21 as erosive of American sovereignty.”


After all that, things have gone a bit quiet. The issue barely registers in the presidential election campaign, and the Republican National Committee did not respond to a request for a comment.

At a local level, there are signs of a backlash.

A June poll of 1,300 U.S. voters commissioned by the American Planning Association found that when asked whether they supported or opposed U.N. Agenda 21, 85 percent of respondents said they did not know enough to form an opinion. Nine percent supported Agenda 21, 6 percent opposed it.

“I think the Tea Party people who turn up to shout at planning meetings are heading for a McCarthy moment,” said Ron Littlefield, the mayor of Chattanooga, Tennessee, referring to the Communist witch hunts of Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s.

“They have been heard, and many people are sick of their scare tactics,” added the mayor, whom local Tea Party activists have been trying to recall for raising property taxes.

Don Knapp, U.S. spokesman for the ICLEI, rejected the notion of an anti-American plot. “Sustainable development is not a top-down conspiracy from the U.N., but a bottom-up push from local governments,” he said.

An anti-sustainable development bill in Arizona died this spring when the Arizona Chamber of Commerce successfully lobbied against it, arguing it was vague and could drive away corporations that have embraced sustainable development.

“We thought this was a wrongheaded approach,” said chamber spokesman Garrick Taylor. “It would be bad for business.”

Many conservatives also vehemently disagree with the global warming arguments behind Agenda 21. But planners and developers say sustainable development plans are needed to meet future shifts in the size and age of the U.S. population.

According to U.S. Census Bureau projections, America’s population should grow by more than 40 percent by 2050 to 440 million, requiring millions of new housing units. Demographers and developers also warn that as baby boomers start turning 70 in 2016 and seek to downsize their homes, there will be a spike in demand for multi-apartment buildings in walkable areas.

“What I want to hear from opponents of sustainable development is where are you going to put 50 million new housing units over the next few decades?” said Mitchell Silver, head of planning for Raleigh, North Carolina, who is also president of the American Planning Association (APA). “So far, I haven’t gotten an answer to that question.”

Another problem some Tea Party activists acknowledge is that few local officials have heard of Agenda 21. This was the case in Garland, Texas, during a debate on the city’s strategic plan. Anti-Agenda 21 activists objected to bike lanes, efforts to determine what types of businesses to allow into Garland and any reference to “sustainable development.”

“We found if we mentioned Agenda 21, our officials’ eyes would glaze over,” said Katrina Pierson of the Garland Tea Party. “So we focused on parts of the plan we didn’t like.”

Her group managed to have significant portions of the city plan changed and got Garland to quit its membership in the ICLEI.

Judd Saul was not so successful when he went to battle against Cedar Falls 2020, the city’s development plan. Saul says his studies of Agenda 21 began after he discovered that the requirement to have a lockbox at the back door of his family’s restaurant containing keys for emergency service access to his property was “based on international fire regulations.”

Saul says that rather than taking on the parts of Cedar Falls 2020 he disliked most, he focused instead on Agenda 21 at a public meeting to discuss the plan. As almost no one in attendance knew what he was talking about, Saul says his words met with blank stares.

“I wish I’d focused on why the plan was bad,” he said, “instead of talking about Agenda 21 and looking like a wacko nut job.”



Here’s information on Agenda 21 and ICLEI.   It’s lengthy, but PLEASE take some time to familiarize yourself with it and to get involved at your local level.



Written By Karen Sweetland

This is a very concise overview regarding the encroachment of our rights as outlined in Agenda 21.

Unfortunately the majority of Americans are totally unaware of this treasonous  movement. Private property owners should be especially aware of Agenda 21.  For those of you in the know, this is good reference material…..

Agenda 21 is too big, too complicated to condense into a couple of paragraphs.  I have taken copious notes and reduced it all to the following information, and am sending under separate email the explosive PDF file on the APA war against Agenda21 opposition – it is well laid out, sophisticated, comprehensive, well funded and national in scope.  To date I do not believe there is a single organization in the country that has assumed a counterpart position with even remotely similar clarity of purpose and modeling.  The information below is so vital, so urgent, so massive it should be a major part of ANY candidate’s campaign – as a means of educating the public and reflecting a serious dedication to Constitutional principles and laws.

You may share this, but I would ask that I be given credit for authoring this information whenever and wherever it is used.

I have many months of research into this topic.  This can be regarded as one of my “white papers” with others forthcoming.  I am willing to give presentations and/or training on this topic, be it to candidates, current legislators, patriot or political groups.


An overview by Karen Sweetland
February 22, 2012

What is Agenda 21? It is a United Nation’s program presented and approved in Rio in 1992. At that time American conservatives laughed it off.
“This is too crazy,” they said. “Impossible. It will never happen. Not here!”
Well, it is happening. It is happening here and it is happening now. Agenda 21
is a totalitarian comprehensive environmental program that, when fully
implemented, will direct where you live, how much water you can use, and how, when and where you can travel.

Agenda 21 is being marketed as a worldwide effort to ensure that all human
beings will have access to adequate housing, health care, water and food. Of
course this will require a massive redistribution of wealth from prosperous
countries to poorer countries. Predictably, capitalistic countries, like the
United States, will of necessity suffer seriously lowered standards of

It’s noteworthy that Presidents George H. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, through Executive Orders, have signed onto
Agenda 21. Hundreds more governors, mayors, and county commissioners have also signed on.  There
presently over 600 cities, counties and states in America signed on to Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 and related programs will eliminate many things we hold dear. These have been declared
“unsustainable” and will be abolished. Here are some of them:

All private property rights (property ownership)[no one will be allowed to own land, houses or other
All forms of irrigation, pesticides & commercial fertilizer
Livestock production and most meat consumption [lab produced ‘meat’ currently in development in Europe – from stem cells].
Privately owned vehicles and personal travel [no individually owned autos]
Use of fossil fuels for power generation or mechanized travel
Single family homes [everyone will have to
live in stack-and-pack hi-rise condos called ‘sustainable
communities’ – multi-use high rises in each city – most of which already have them and are building more]
Most forms of mineral extraction and timber harvesting
Human population must be reduced to fewer than 1 billion people
[The current 6 billion population to be reduced
to 500 million, i.e. the world must be DEPOPULATED! – one can only wonder
just how the powers behind this plan to decrease the population by 5/6th ] – Obamacare factors into the US depopulation,
from denial of treatment, birth control and abortions.

It’s not coming from Washington D.C. or state legislatures for the most part.
It is seeping in through local city and county governments.
Agenda 21 brings with it stealthy code words, comforting words such as
“smart growth,” “social justice,” “bio-diversity,” and “sustained development.”
You will hear them often and find them in abundance in most actions of city/town governments.

Translated these terms effectively mean total environmental
dictatorship and the elevation of the pagan practice of the worship of Mother Earth. Not a

179 countries, including the United
States, initially signed on to the Agenda in 1992. Many more
have joined since then.   Check out your own state/city – chances are that it is already
firmly entrenched in Agenda 21.

The ICLEI is the governing body under the United Nations – and the above link lists ALL participating countries
and cities therein – you will be shocked to see the LONG list of US cities – it is staggering, just
staggering and mind boggling, shocking, dismaying and downright scary.

Agenda 21 is designed to control every aspect of human life on every
square inch of planet earth. As a biblical worldview dims in the world,
man falls to the bottom of the food chain.

If Agenda 21 succeeds (and it is) animals will become more important than man as will
plants and trees. We can already see ample evidence of this process in motion
today. Agenda 21’s real message is: “Man is the problem. Nature must be
preserved and take precedence. Mother Earth must not be scratched.“

Agenda 21 is just another attempt by man to recreate heaven on earth. David
Chilton, in his insightful book Paradise Restored, presents an
important historical dynamic. Chilton submits that man, ever since he was
expelled from Eden, has tried to get back in. Each time he tries, he creates
another hell on earth. Agenda 21 will be no different.

Many socialistic, communistic, and liberal organizations and international
leaders are behind Agenda 21 and its related programs, most notably Bilderberg.  It will take dedication
of time and effort on our part to truly understand all the implications of this
pervasive program. The investment of time and effort will be worth it – equal to basic survival.

These are not legal or dictionary definitions, but short explanations used to describe words as they are used within the Agenda 21 context.

Bill of Rights: US Constitutional rights that reflect natural law , deemed unalienable- we are born with these rights, they cannot be taken away. Conversely, Human Rights are granted to people under the Declaration of Human Rights. Under this system the government can take these rights away to advance a centrally determined “common good”.

Biodiversity: The dictionary defines it as a variety of plants and animals in their native environments/habitats. It is used by globalists to promote fear around extinction of species so that they can activate the Endangered Species Act which has yet to have a single success! It is used as a weapon to abolish private property.  (prime example of the destruction of the Imperial Valley in California, where water was turned off to the farmlands and ranches, turning the entire area into a dustbowl, with massive loss of jobs, land, wealth – in the name of a tiny fish in the River Delta deemed endangered)

Collectivism: Political philosophy where a small group determines the “greater good” for the masses. While it could take the form of communism, fascism, socialism, etc, the common denominator is control over the population.  Note:  The UN and Bilderberg work in concert to achieve ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT – a goal long sought since early on in the 20th century.

Commerce Clause: The Constitution provides that the federal government has power over commerce between states, but this power has been distorted and expanded beyond its original intention. The federal government uses this as an excuse to regulate resources, businesses and everything else.

Consensus: Facilitators will use the consensus process to reach a predetermined outcome. Minority positions are ignored in consensus. This is also used in education as more value is placed on reaching consensus than objective data.  Investigation of current text books and teaching plans will show a massive change in the content of books and teaching methods – gearing today’s kids expect AND accept the new world order, and believing that America is evil.

Corridors: Areas targeted for control. This word applies to strips of land that interconnect with Wildlands, where human presence and resource extraction are not allowed. This word is also used in relation to transportation routes and power grids as well.  (see NW examples below)

Councils: These organizations, comprised of insiders and stakeholders, are being used to usurp the power of local governments.


Democracy: Mob rule, or majority rule. We live in a Republic that is based in protecting individuals’ rights. Imagine if a lynch mob (the majority) wanted to hang you (the individual). Democracy contrasts with the American system, intended to operate as a Republic, with limited government powers and with the protection of individuals’ Unalienable Rights through a system of due process.

Endangered Species Act: This Act was based on a United Nations model and implemented through international treaties. It is a tool collectivists use to take over land and resources in pursuit of the abolition of private property.  Note:  NUMEROUS cases exist in the US where land has been declared off limits for human use and enjoyment – often from expanding the boundaries around national parks and forests, rivers and lakes etc.

Enumerated Powers: Power given to the congress in Article1, Section 8 of the Constitution, that are further limited by the Bill of Rights.

Equal Justice: Equal Justice is a respect for independence and unalienable rights of the individual and general tolerance for individuality. Equal justice puts a checkmate on mob rule.

Fabianism: Constant, slow change in government. i.e. Incrementalism.

Facilitators: Paid workers who use peer pressure and psychological manipulation to obtain consensus. (perfect example is a training manual produced by the APA *American Planning Assn)

Forfeiture: VIDEO (3 min) about how government can take your personal property.

Gaia: Pagan religion of nature worship honoring Mother Earth. Today, Gaia represents a philosophy that places nature above humans consistent with the Action Plan of Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is designed and used as a means to an end (depopulation and slavery). the Gaia philosophy is predicated on a “higher purpose” – to save nature at all costs.

Governance: To rule, control and manipulate America was based on the principals of a government of protection. G. Edward Griffin suggests we should not even use the word government, but a Protectorate instead.

Green: While we are all dependent upon and concerned about the environment, the environment has been elevated to a status above humans, under the banner of being “green”.

Gerrymander: Division of areas to give special advantages to certain groups; it is a mechanism to adjust Congressional boundaries to meet the ruling political parties’ objectives. Illegal immigration is a symptom of this type of social and political engineering occurring prior to every election season.

Human Rights: Those rights granted by men and capable of being withdrawn by men as outlined in the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (Article 29 “These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.” This means ‘Human Rights’ can be taken away).

ICLEI:The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (also called Local Governments for Sustainability) is a U.N. accredited Non Governmental Organization (NGO). It implements the Action Plan of Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. Cities pay dues in order to obtain direction from ICLEI in establishing local policy and law. It is a violation of Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution which prohibits States and their subdivisions from entering alliances with foreign operatives.  ICLEI is also offering ‘grants’ to lure communities and states into implementing one of many of their ‘sustainable’ programs.

Insiders: A person in power who has access to confidential information and influences decisions, unbeknownst to the vast majority of citizens.

Individualism: The philosophy that the interests of the individual are, or ought to be, paramount. Collectivism is its opposite.

Inalienable Rights: Rights that are granted by the government. What is given can also be taken away. The U.N.’s Declaration of Human Rights is a system of of inalienable rights.

Unalienable Rights: Rights that we are born with. They may not be taken away by government. “That all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” This political recognition is why the Declaration of Independence is regarded as humanity’s greatest achievement.


NGO’s: Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are accredited by the U.N. for purposes of implementing Agenda 21. They are well funded by governments. tax free foundations, corporations and individuals.

Outcome Based Education: Method of teaching wherein the student must be able to perform according to prescribed standards, and real knowledge and critical thinking are discounted if not all-together ignored.  Generally the standards are lowered to the lowest common denominator, hence more than 50% suffer from lack of adequate education.

Public- Private Partnerships (PPP): Corporations or other private entities like foundations, NGO’s, associations, etc that pair with government to enforce rules and policies that benefit the money partner (corporation) or government objectives. Public- Private Partnership is the re-invention of Mussolini’s system of economic fascism.

Private Property: Private property is the relationship between a person and something wherein the owner determines the use and enjoyment of the thing. Private property includes land, personal possessions and intellectual property. Private property also includes one’s own person, body and mind, which is why the protection of property rights are so important.   All such rights are actively threatened at the present.

Land ownership is the primary source of freedom and wealth!  And serves as the basis of the American Dream – growing ever more extinct!

Quality of Life: This phrase is frequently used in propaganda and official documents to sugar coat the underlying policies and intentions.  This is evident in most of the marketing materials supporting Agenda 21.

Regions: Political regions are established in order to replace existing political boundaries thus destroying the power of local governments. A water control agency would be an example of this. Regionalizing resources to remove power from local authorities is the way Russia was Sovietized.

Republic: A system of government that operates by rule of law and exists to protect individual rights. The Republic of the United States has a democratically elected representative government, but this does not make it a democracy.

Smart Growth: Herding people into cities and off rural land, for the purpose of controlling human action. Building up (high-rises), not out, and mixed-use buildings with stores on the ground floor with living spaces above exist within a walkable community. The objective is for people to stay within a small area in order to be easily controlled while the animals roam freely everywhere else.

Stakeholders: A person entrusted with the stakes of bettors. Stakeholders are shadowy entities that have influence and are referenced in many documents. Stakeholders in this new political context are those who combine efforts to drive a stake into the heart of private property.

Sustainable Development: The U.N. document called Agenda 21 lays the blueprint for advancing Sustainable Development. This is a euphemism for depopulation and control. The basis of the design is the “Three E’ program: “Equity”- using sociology and the law to create a global system of governance; “Economy”- meaning redistribution between nations and converting from free enterprise to Public- Private Partnership; and “Environment”- meaning nature above man.

Tenth Amendment: This is the key to the undoing of Agenda 21- the recognition of States’ rights and State sovereignty: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, not prohibited to it by the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Wildlands: The counterpart to Smart Growth, it is designed to remove people from the land, using the excuse of “sustaining” wildlife; the plan is to remove people and eliminate resource extraction from over 50% of America’s landscape.

agenda21maplinks to UN plan/map:  (map and explanation)  MUST VIEW


Posted by Karen S on September 2, 2011 at 7:49pm

I send this information which is valid all over the country and I urge, URGE each person reading this to go to their local City Government or Council and start asking questions. You will likely find that your community is heavily into Agenda 21 – and you need to know and understand just how you and your community are now at risk.

UN Local Agenda 21 – The Smoking Cannon

Many more “normal” people are talking and writing about the global government these days. So many more people are actually exposing the global government’s matrix that our ACL research has been elevated from “conspiracy theory” to necessary and vital information. The Big Plan for global Utopia is finally coming out into the open, because People are asking the right questions.

I’m not talking about the movie, “The Matrix,” although it was based in the Hegelian dialectic and matrix101 links directly to our antithesis. I’m not referring to a secret plan handed out at the Bilderberg or Club of Rome, although evidence shows elite groups participated in the creation of the NWO. I’m not talking about Bible prophecy, and I’m not talking about Luciferian Enlightenment or the secret British-Masonic-Zionist plan to make a better world either, although some communitarian teachers do admit they worship at the alter of Satan.

I am talking about the published plan to build a One World Bureaucracy. It’s the blueprint for Sustainable Development handed out at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. It does exist and it’s completely verifiable, as more and more people will now admit. They have to.

United Nations Local Agenda 21 Programme for Sustainable Development is the “smoking gun” for the New World Order. Adopted by all member nations in 1992, this is the model for redesigning a communitarian world. If you’re like a lot of people who sense something is very wrong, if you’re looking for concrete, irrefutable evidence for the New World Order in your neighborhood, nothing comes close to asking your local officials about Local Agenda 21 (LA21).

Don’t just use the Internet to find your plan, although many of our LA21 plans and their affiliate agencies are available online. Exercise your authentic power. Call or stop by your local City Hall. Meet face-to-face with your elected public officials. Ask to review all local planning actions that come under UN guidelines for Sustainable Development (SD). Ask to review any local agreements with ICCLEI.

The existence of a master plan for global government can almost be verified in one call to our City or County Clerk. Asking whether there has been anything locally adopted or resolved that promotes Sustainable Development is not a hard question anymore. Even people outside government groups have heard this new term by now. Most people think it’s a good thing because they believe it arose naturally. It has a huge following. Hell, everything is going “sustainable” now. >From agriculture to industry to lifestyles to education, the whole world is promoting sustainability.

So, if every body’s doing it, it must be a good thing, right? What’s the big deal?

Well, first of all, if sustainability really just meant a benign way of healing the planet from corporate poisoning, it would not include so many laws that govern common people’s lives. There is nothing benign about Sustainable Development to the common man. SD is a set of global community laws that supplant individual liberty, formally maintained within national, state and local property and privacy laws.

Second of all, communitarian laws always “balance” the rights of the individual against the community; therefore SD only protects the global community government from the common man. Every nation in the world is experiencing a “wrenching transformation” of national laws into compliance with international SD law. LA21 could also be called “No Nation Left Behind.”

American homeowners are almost totally clueless as to why so much of the Stimulus Package is directed into upgrades that allow the government to monitor and control them inside their homes. What kind of system puts monitors on garbage trucks so that the trucks can scan our garbage cans in order to spot the cans that have recyclable items in the wrong cans? What kind of a system establishes neighborhood groups who monitor their neighbors for SD compliance and report infractions of new community biased regulations? What kind of a system puts RFID trackers in garments and Retinal Scans in Driver’s Licenses? What kind of a system builds a huge database of every one’s most private and personal information?

Think you know what your nation stands for? Still believe that SD is a local solution written by locals for a local purpose? Prove it. Go ahead. Stop reading this. Pick up a phone right now and call your City Clerk. Ask to review and copy anything having to do with U.N. Local Agenda 21 or Sustainable Development.

Because there are so many local programs implementing global SD, you will probably be told your request is “too broad.” So, okay, narrow your focus. This means get specific.

Ask your public servant (who works for you) which city and county agencies have already adopted Sustainable Development. After the usual “Why do you need this information?” which you do not have to answer with anything but a smile, the honest answer will likely be, “all of them.” If there’s any lingering doubt about how prevalent SD is in your home town, read and copy every local agency’s Mission Statement.

How do you tie Sustainable Development to the United Nations if your local government claims their Sustainable Development has no connection to U.N. Local Agenda 21? Ask them to give you a clear and legal definition for Sustainable Development. They have no choice but to waffle or cite the 1987 United Nations Bruntland Commission’s “official” definition for Sustainable Development

You’ll see the terms for engagement very quickly. Once you’ve started, be prepared for the worst a TV trained government agent can throw at you. If you have property or own a local business, you are definitely taking risks. The risk is worth it though, since the ultimate price we’ll all pay is what happens to private property and privacy under the plan; it’s completely abolished.

And, since all U.S. constitutional law is based in private property rights, any plan to abolish private property is treason, pure and simple. They know this too.

How much can you find out about how far down the LA21 road your neighborhood has gone? This could be a real adventure if you took it on. Nothing incites the senses like following the path of your enemies into your own home. This is a global war. The real fight is over our land, our people and all our resources. It’s being fought every day on all our home fronts, from London to Kenny Lake, Alaska.

There are several other key terms to look for: livability, quality of life, common good, vision for the future, community values, to name just a few. When Americans find unfamiliar (new) terms used in any U.S. government document, because of our Federal (F.O.I.A.) and State Public Disclosure laws, we can request a clear, legal definition of the word or phrase. We can read and copy every government agent’s documents related to the use of the term too, from hand scribbled notes to polished propaganda. This is what real transparency in government means. Many other Western nations have similar laws.

If the idea of a war is too hard to accept, think of it as a fishing expedition. Stay quiet and calm so you don’t scare the fish away. Gently remove the hook and throw back all the small fish you catch, or use them as bait. Bide your time, wait for the granddaddy of all fish to smell the blood. This breed of fish devours its own, like a shark, so when you have the Big One on the hook, you’ve hooked them all on one line.

Who wants to show Americans and the rest of the world the extent of our new global laws, global-to-local development plans, and all our local partnerships with global associations (and funding). They may be openly revising their national constitutions in South America and the EU under supremacy of communitarian law, but in most Western free and open “democracies,” LA21 plans are anything but open.

For those who need to know more, Sustainable Development is based in communitarianism (see above and below definition). This philosophy drives every aspect of the emerging supra-national system. If you understand the theory, you’ll understand the new tactics. Once you’ve verified for yourself that LA21 plans exist for your area, do a little Internet search for the term “communitarianism.” The results will amaze you.

Political and social philosophy that emphasizes the importance of community in the functioning of political life, in the analysis and evaluation of political institutions, and in understanding human identity and well-being. It was developed in the 1980s and ’90s in explicit opposition to the theoretical liberalism of thinkers such as John Rawls. According to communitarians, liberalism relies on a conception of the individual that is unrealistically atomistic and abstract; it also places too much importance on individual values such as freedom and autonomy. Its chief representatives include Amitai Etzioni, Michael Sandel, and Charles Taylor. See also collectivism.

This is truly sickening!

Further links of utmost importance:… (the group in charge)

“Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.” From the report from the 1976 UN’s Habitat I Conference.

What is not sustainable?

Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paved and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment.” FROM:  UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report.

Hide Agenda 21’s UN roots from the people

“Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development.

Who is behind it?  (start with Bilderberg and George Soros, then add in the UN and all those listed below)

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc. Additional groups include American Planning Council (the same group that is now instituting a national training program to overcome objections to A21 – a well funded, sophisticated manual to train people around the US to battle for and institute A21), The Renaissance Planning Group, International City/ County Management Group, aided by US Mayors Conference, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, National Association of County Administrators and many more private organizations and official government agencies. Foundation and government grants drive the process.

NOTE: Cities sign on to get grants – their greed and avarice overshadowing the massive strings attached, and the dire consequences to all communities. Money talks, BW walks and these people have plenty of money to throw at towns and cities across America and the world –

In my humble opinion, THIS is the greatest threat to this nation and it encroaches from within – at community levels – by pleasant sounding names that spell danger and destruction to the American way of life – and that means home ownership, business ownership, owning land and cattle, farming or personal gardens, living life as YOU choose – all GONE.

There can’t be enough written about AGenda 21 or Project 60, not nearly enough and EVERY CANDIDATE for state or national office should be trained in and propel this issue to the forefront of their campaign strategies.

Currently there is a big land grab in the works to supposedly expand the Olympic National park around the the Quinault area as well as several other spots on the Olympic Peninsula. In Oregon – Bandon Marsh Wildlife Refuge. This is a wholesale trampling of individual rights focused on the Coquille River near Bandon!
There are several websites with information concerning this crime against hard working Americans – a $900 Million Dollar Agenda 21-ICLEI land grab.

You won’t know it’s happening until many people have had their homes stolen right out from under them.

I figured I’d get the word out on this (Olympic National Park) attempt to buy up 210,000 acres . The website opposing all this is at .

Also you can go to for more details.

We must help these people get the word out about this despicable abuse of power if Obama completes this theft of homes/land from hard working Americans, who among us will be next, and where?

This is Agenda 21 on the rise – now.

I urge you to check out the UN maps for Agenda 21(see above links) – in reference  to each state. You will notice that there is very little land designated for human use in most of the West.

Bob Fanning Running For Montana Governor

March 2, 2012 3 comments

(Hat-Tip Elias Alias. Thanks for the forward, Elias!)

Bob Fanning is running for Governor of Montana as a populist Constitutional Republican who will fight for Montana sovereignty.

The U.S. Federal government has failed to protect Montanans from United Nations’ encroachment and has failed to protect Montanans from the criminality of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve System. The U.S. Federal government has failed to protect Montanans from Federal corruption. 

Early In the 2012 Gubernatorial race there have been thus far three Gubernatorial debates.  At Montana State University at Bozeman, Montana, Bob Fanning read his “Montana Declaration of Independence”. At the Republican debate on campus at Billings, Montana, Bob Fanning exposed the evil of the 106th Congress as it placed into law the four satchel charges which blew up the American financial system on September 15, 2008. At the Gubernatorial debate at Great Falls, Montana, Bob Fanning read his blistering speech on the relationship between the UN’s Agenda 21 and the Foreclosure Fraud spectacle which is now engulfing the nation and many Montana families.

No other Montana Gubernatorial candidate is speaking up on these topics, for fear of – well, for fear of what? Are they afraid to speak truth to power?  Perhaps they simply do not know how real the threat is.

Bob Fanning is not afraid to speak the truth. He knows the truth; he “gets it”. Truth is that we’re now looking at a criminal cabal centered in the Federal Reserve, the Federal government and Wall Street, which has international ties with and is marching to the drums of the United Nations with full-blown intent of destroying America, and taking Montana down along with the other States in the process. 

Just why the other Republican Gubernatorial candidates do not know this, or, in knowing, are afraid to speak of it, escapes us. The RNC itself has proposed a resolution to expose the UN’s Agenda 21, yet of eight Republican Gubernatorial candidates only Bob Fanning is speaking out with a plan to shut down the United Nations gambit in Montana.  Here is a section from the Republican National Committee’s proposed resolution against Agenda 21 –

WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control that was initiated at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992; and,

WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is being covertly pushed into local communities throughout the United States of America through the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) through local “sustainable development” policies such as Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, and other “Green” or “Alternative” projects; and,

WHEREAS, this United Nations Agenda 21 plan of radical so-called “sustainable development” views the American way of life of private property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices, and privately owned farms; all as destructive to the environment; and,

WHEREAS, according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy, social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment which would be accomplished by socialist/communist redistribution of wealth; and,

WHEREAS, according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy National sovereignty is deemed a social injustice….

Okay. Now. The above was composed by a committee within the Republican National Committee. Can it be made more apparent than that? Montana is under siege by the United Nations’ Agenda 21 program which itself is fortified with NGOs such as Yukon To Yellowstone, ICLEI, etc. The State of Montana is not protecting Montanans from this scourge, and Bob Fanning continues to ask where is Steve Bullock, our alleged Attorney General?

This is the Great Falls Tribune coverage of the February 27, 2012, Gubernatorial debate in Great Falls, Montana, with the closing paragraph explaining about Bob’s statement on Agenda 21.|topnews|text|Frontpage

“Fanning repeatedly warned the more than 100 people gathered at the Exhibition Hall about “Agenda 21,” which he said is a United Nations conspiracy to strip Americans of their private property rights. Fanning called on Bullock, as attorney general, to “step up to the plate and start protecting Montana homeowners” from “zombie banks” that are using foreclosures to act on the “communist call to redistribute wealth.”

More: As Bob Fanning pointed out in his speech at the Gubernatorial debate in Great Falls, this international madness is connected with the fraudulent foreclosure phenomenon.  To understand the validity in Bob’s stand against fraudulent foreclosure practices in the wake of the housing market implosion, please read about the Attorney General of New York State, who has initiated lawsuits on behalf of the people of New York.

Here is the headliner for that article on the New York Attorney General’s website –


Complaint Charges Use Of MERS By Bank Of America, J.P. Morgan Chase, And Wells Fargo Resulted In Fraudulent Foreclosure Filings  

Servicers And MERS Filed Improper Foreclosure Actions Where Authority To Sue Was Questionable

Schneiderman: MERS And Servicers Engaged In Deceptive and Fraudulent Practices That Harmed Homeowners And Undermined Judicial Foreclosure Process

Learn more at the above link. And then join Bob Fanning in asking, “where is Attorney General Steve Bullock when the people of Montana need him?”

For your convenience here is the text of Bob’s speech –

Right now thousands of Montana families are losing their homes to foreclosure and many more will face this crisis in the coming year!


This was and is a well executed plan by the world elite banksters (here) (here) (here) and the politicians in bed with them to usher in the United Nations’ plan called Agenda 21; which proposes a profound re-orientation of ALL humans unlike anything the world has ever experienced. I quote from their 1976 United Nations Habitat I Conference:


                 “Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market… Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.”


Folks, they are telling you that it is a social injustice to own your own home!  This is the communist call to re-distribute wealth and part of that plan is FORECLOSURE. The Zombie Banks are the intermediary arm of the United Nations and the City of London financial district. Foreclosure is being accomplished at the local level through mortgage fraud, which is the ultimate goal of those who seek global governance! 


  • The powerful and their puppets believe that they should tell you where to live, how to live, and their ultimate goal is to move you to an URBAN SETTLEMENT of their design.
  • See the RNC’s denouncement of Agenda 21, in which the Republican National Committee’s winter committee resolves that Agenda 21 not only wants your property, but also wants to deprive Americans of private automobile ownership.
  • This is systemic financial barbarism done with the flick of a pen; sending documents in the mail to the homeowner, invoking fear to drive you from your homes; and it uses courts to support the theft.
  • This is how to have a war without a shot being fired. 
  • In the last 12 years, many Homeowner’s across Montana thought they were getting a loan from the too big to fail Zombie Banks of Wall Street.
  •  A large percentage of the Mortgage Note’s from these banks were securitized: in plain English, securitization

1)         Is a tax evasion scheme

2)         It is wrongful and improper foreclosure process based on forgery and fraud

3)         It undermines the integrity of the judicial process

4)         Causes mass confusion over property title and ownership

5)         And those Zombie Banks have no standing as many courts are recently affirming!

  • These big banks used this elaborate design to take the homeowner’s equity and the investor’s money, knowing full well that very few could unravel this highly engineered plan of FRAUD!


We have given the too big to Fail Wall Street Banks respect that they do not DESERVE!  They and many compromised politicians are taking your taxes and pumping that money into methods of assault against your families, friends, and neighbors.


Again, this is a part of Agenda 21 to steal Montana’s wealth, folks…the LAND is the WEALTH!


All Montana land is under assault! It affects us all, whether you have a mortgage or not, because the EPA, BLM, and USFS are also a part of this wealth stealing plan…


This is a call to the leaders throughout Montana and to my opponents on both sides to address this crisis, to set up a hot line that will help homeowners to stand in this fight. The people need to know that certain papers are necessary for a bank to foreclose on their property, and in most cases those papers cannot be produced.


Do not leave your land, it is your WEALTH, YOUR HERITAGE, and YOUR CHILDREN’S INHERITANCE!


Possession is 9/10s of the law.  Together we Montanans will deal with the other 1/10th…to make new laws that confront this assault head on. Montana’s antiquated codes and property laws were not designed for this battle and are currently inefficient. 


Attorney General Steve Bullock, of Washington DC’s Step Toe Johnson Law Firm, defender of these Zombie Banks, what are you doing to protect Montana property owners? Why are you allowing the Attorney General of the State of New York stand alone in exposing this? You have an oath-sworn duty to the people of Montana, and the facts are now known. Where are you?


As governor, foreclosure fraud will be one of my first priorities.

You are invited to read that speech at Bob Fanning’s campaign website where you can donate by credit card to Bob Fanning’s campaign.

Bob Fanning is the only man running for Governor of Montana who has the courage and knowledge to combat the international and Federal-level threats to our well being, freedom, and prosperity.  The other candidates wilt under the magnitude of the threat facing all Montanans today, but Bob Fanning rises to the challenge with Constitutional remedies and courageous implementation.

Judge Andrew Napolitano wrote to Bob Fanning on Monday, February 27, 2012, after having read Bob Fanning’s platform, and said that he is in agreement with Bob’s “substantive” planks.

Join with Judge Napolitano in recognizing that Bob Fanning’s Montana Declaration of Independence is valid, truthful, and necessary if we are to save freedom for Montanans and indeed for all Americans. Bob Fanning could use our help.


Contribute your support online at

Checks and money-orders may be mailed to:

Bob Fanning * FanningForGovernor2012 * Post Office Box 7 * Pray, Montana , 59065

Friends of Fanning For Governor 2012

 Heirs to self knowledge shed gently their fears.


Are Montana Sheriffs Knowingly Associating With Communists, Globalists and Gun Grabbers?

July 29, 2011 4 comments

As I was reviewing some history on the Montana Sheriff’s First (SB 114) legislation, passed in both house and senate and vetoed by Governor Schweitzer, I stumbled across this very interesting and informative article written by our Friend Elias Alias in January 2011.


It appears we have a LOT of courtesy flushing to do here in the Great State of Montana.  I think you’ll find this article very interesting and very well written.  I suggest you investigate these issues in your State so that We, The People know exactly who we’ve got leading our States (our Liberty, our Freedom and our gun rights) straight down the crapper.


Why are Montana Sheriffs Associating with Communists and Gun Grabbers?

Posted on January 28, 2011

by Elias Alias, Montana Oath Keepers, USMC Vietnam veteran

Scenario SB 114


If the mayor is under attack
For gaming behind your back,
Look-out Jack, better step back –
Duck the flak, but stay on track.


Scenario: Deception distorts perception in the debate on SB-114, the Sheriffs First bill:

The people of Montana are grateful to Senator Shockley for reminding the people that Montana’s legislators are primarily Montanans and only secondarily serve as occasional legislators. They do not have to specialize in American history or in Constitutional studies.

We are now told that because the North won the Civil War, the conclusion we all should draw from that is that Federal law trumps State law, “like it or not.” Somehow Lincoln managed to rewrite the Tenth Amendment by winning a war – or did he? Let us make a scenario.

In our scenario, an amateur  student of history who has given countless hours over many years to study the Constitution and the contexts of the era in which it was written, shows up at a committee hearing for a particular bill to speak for a bill, and finds to his dismay that the citizen legislators, some of whom have not bothered to learn the important lessons of history, are enmeshed in a tightly-orchestrated schedule and cannot grant one enough time to pack even the most condensed quintessence of ten years’ worth of study into a two-minute presentation before the committee.

Perhaps that is simply a blow delivered by bureaucracy’s inherent constructs, the infrastructure of organized governance.  All can see that it is impersonal, that it is just how busy sessions work.

But our scenario grows darker when we recall the recent hearing by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday, January 21, 2011.  The bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee was Senate Bill-114, commonly referred to as the “Sheriffs First” bill. The public was invited to appear before the Committee and speak for or against the Sheriffs First bill. A number of Montanans drove to Helena to stand before the microphone and plead for passage of this important bill.

However, the citizens who spoke for the bill were opposed by a battery of public employees who showed up to speak against the bill. Interesting, that.  As reported, all who spoke against the bill were public servants, while the people from the private sector were in favor of the bill. There was that clear delineation – public servant vs the public. In this scenario, the public servants are convinced that they know what is best for the public, and shall wield the public power of office to ensure that the public gets only the laws which public servants deem appropriate. That begs the question, “Who is serving who?”

The citizens who support the bill, including attorneys, represent the sector of Montana society which encourages study into Constitutional issues, constitutional philosophy, study into contexts, study into history, and Supreme Court precedent. These citizens represent the aware and conscientious patriots within Montana who do as the founders insist all citizens should do – which is to be ever vigilant in watching over the manner in which government administers itself upon the governed.

Opposing the citizens were “associations” or lobbies for ‘special interests’. Of the several opponents of the bill present at the hearing, one in particular is handy for this extended scenario. We shall try to be elegant as we review some things, but we must now name a lobby which opposed the Sheriffs Bill. Of all things, it was the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (MSPOA).  The spokesperson for MSPOA was Helena Mayor Jim Smith, a man with considerable connections at the core of governance.

He is the mayor of the State Capitol, after all. So let’s take a look at him from the city’s website:

There we read:  – quoting from city’s page on Mayor Jim Smith –

“ In 1978 he began working on public policy issues, with the Montana Seniors Citizens Association and the Rocky Mountain Development Council.  In 1983 Jim began working as a Lobbyist at the Montana Legislature.  He has lobbied every Session since, working for a variety of human service, health care, law enforcement and local government associations and organizations. In 1994 Jim became a co-owner of Smith and McGowan, Inc., a lobbying, management and government relations firm located in downtown Helena.  The firm’s clients include: the Montana Council of Community Mental Health Centers, the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, the Montana County Attorneys Association, the American Cancer Society, and others.”

– end quote –

So that is part of our scenario  – the gentleman is a well-connected lobbyist. A professional lobbyist. He advocates professionally for organizations, both public and private. He’s got position, and personality.

Speaking of personality traits, there is this tidbit, published on December 17, 2009 by the Missoula Independent.

–  quoting –

[Bob] McKelvey and [“Mike” Meyer] Chessin founded Montanans United to Stop Gun Violence (MU-SGV) years ago to combat what they saw as a serious problem in the state. Late this summer, they finally reached out and approached state Reps. Dick Barrett and Ron Erickson, both of Missoula, about helping the group. In November, Helena Mayor Jim Smith joined MU-SGV’s steering committee.

“I think it’s a voice that needs to be heard in the debate here in Montana over gun rights,” says Smith, who has lobbied against concealed weapons carry for 15 years. “I don’t think there’s another grassroots organization or a group of ordinary citizens who are committed to the end of gun violence and the maintenance of a civil society.”

The group faces a number of tasks for 2010, most immediate of which is agreeing what issue to use as a rallying point. McKelvey says he has growing concerns over the rising number of open carriers in the Bitterroot—an issue highlighted by recent Celebrating Conservatism meetings that feature numerous attendees with firearms. But Barrett says putting open carry practices in the group’s crosshairs could galvanize Second Amendment proponents.

–  end quoted passages from the Missoula Independent –

Our scenario continues to develop. We have a ‘lobbying personality’ which is running a city in Montana and providing its talents to the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and the Montana County Attorneys Association, and lo and behold, this lobbying personality, presently dwelling like a clouded dream in the head of the Mayor of Helena, has taken a seat on the steering committee for a gun control group run in part by a fellow traveler named “Mike” Meyer Chessin.

Montanans who enjoy traditional gun culture in Montana are seen by Mr. Chessin to be “a serious problem”. He apparently has concerns about the Celebrating Conservatism movement in the Bitterroot, who lawfully carry their guns openly, but I’m sure he doesn’t think the Maiden of Montana Liberty, Ms Mona Docteur, would pop a cap on him. Surely he is not paranoid about his vision of a gun-free Montana, a somewhat delusional vision which he entitles “…the maintenance of a civil society”.

But what can we ask about Mr. Chessin, Mayor Smith’s partner at the Montanans United To Stop Gun Violence organization?

May we ask if he once was a professor at the University of California at Berkeley?

May we ask if, owing to alleged communist affiliations, Mr. Chessin fled UCB during the McCarthy era at a time when communists were being expunged from public offices?

May we also ask whether at that same time the University of Montana was having accreditation problems for not having sufficient numbers of ‘accredited’ professors?

And may we further ask whether the University of Montana picked up a handful of trans-locating communist professors, (some of whom were fleeing their offices under light of public scrutiny), at a discount price, including Botany professor Chessin?

Finally, may we ask whether students who attended U of M during that time readily admit that Chessin kept posters of Stalin and Lenin on his office walls at the U of M?

We are just asking questions of course, but we can be sure that Chessin does not approve of Montana’s gun culture, its traditions, and its importance in today’s world.

Question – aren’t communists always against allowing a population to keep and bear arms? And isn’t the keeping and bearing of arms one of our denoted “inalienable rights”, which public officials are sworn to protect on our behalf?

Another question. Why would the University of Montana take down the Internet page which could have revealed the reasons we have so many questions today regarding Chessin?

The information on faculty-member Chessin, now removed from the www, used to be at this link – it’s a dead link now:


The fearless professional lobbyist who is also the Mayor of Helena, Montana, sits on the steering committee for an anti-gun group with an alleged – but unproven – communist sympathizer at the same time he is providing his services to the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and the Montana County Attorneys Association.

On their behalf, in their names, he has stood before the Montana Senate’s Judiciary Committee to oppose a bill which would affirm the (Montana) constitutional Sheriff’s authority as the highest law enforcement officer in his County. This he did while the unanimous voices of the citizens were entered into the record requesting that the Committee move the bill forward.

The citizens’ voices were confronted by Mr. Smith’s retort that:

“The sheriffs of Montana really do not want to be pawns in anyone else’s political games.”

Is it not the quintessence of gall for a man to seek to install against the wishes of the people

“…the maintenance of a civil society”,

which is a politicization in itself, by accusing freedom-loving Montanans of playing political games?

Shouldn’t Smith admit that the ‘Montanans United to Stop Gun Violence’ organization is indeed “politicizing” an issue of our County Sheriffs’ authority?

Isn’t MU-SGV a self-declared political organization with a self-declared mission to infringe upon Montanans’ rights to keep and bear arms – perhaps with the instigation of avowed communists?

Gary Marbut, of Montana Shooting Sports Association wrote this Sheriffs First bill. Gary is the same author who gave us the successful Montana Firearms Freedom Act of 2009. Gary Marbut represents the voice of the Montana citizenry. Gary Marbut is not a lobbyist for any government office or agency. Gary Marbut defends the Montana Constitution on behalf of a free people.

Yet the professional lobbyist for MSPOA and MCAA is representing an anti-gun-rights agenda at the same time he purports to lobby for our Sheriffs and Peace Officers.

Who is politicizing what here?

Are the Sheriffs Smith purports to represent actually as anti-gun as Smith, or is Smith using the Sheriffs as pawns in the Smith/Chessin anti-gun game?

Some may say that kind of question begs “standing”. Very well. Here is some standing –

We are asking questions about the propriety of lobbying, its place in our lives, where it fits into our world. What does a lobbyist do?

Lobbyists are “statists” who represent “interests” in efforts to shape, mold, and structure state authority in ways which benefit the “interests” who pay for such services.

What is a “statist”?

A statist is one who values and believes in the power of the state (as in, the government, on whatever level). Statists use the force of the state to animate their policy, which is derived from their personal perception of various systems available to them.

Communists, for example, are statists, as also are ‘collectivists’ and ‘Marxist socialists’ or ‘progressives’ harking back to Colonel Edward M. House and Woodrow Wilson.Neo-cons are also statists.

Communism, like Marxism or socialism or any other governmental “ism”, is based on the individual’s willingness to believe in the power of the state, and the use of that power to control or regulate others. That is a psychological element of a perception which elicits a personal response in harmony with one’s view of life on earth – one’s “perception”.

A lobbyist who is a collectivist, or one who is a statist, can be employed to shape public perception in ways which benefit one’s client’s interests. A lobbyist who chooses to represent a government arm, such as, say, the office of County Sheriff, but brings a statist perception to the table, may, if one is not exceedingly careful, awaken the very Sheriffs and Peace Officers upon whose good name said lobbyist rides.

Question – Do the Sheriffs and Peace Officers who are represented by this particular statist lobbyist know that he also works with an anti-gun organization?

Did Mr. Smith call the Sheriffs of Montana’s Counties to see how they felt about SB-114, the Sheriffs First bill?

Was the lobbying of the Mayor fortified by the spread of “official” views for each Sheriff to hold regarding this bill, before Mr. Smith purported to represent their personal views to the Senate Judiciary Committee?

We do know that at least two courageous Sheriffs have taken stands for the bill, much to their respective Counties’ glory. We wonder what the other Sheriffs may think. There is, after all, an Oath to the Constitution, and that Oath is, as President John Adams said long ago, “a sacred obligation”, which is why the Oath was written into the Constitution – to bind a public servant down to honorable service to the people who created the government, to ‘we the people’.

How many Sheriffs in Montana will stand on their Oath?

How many Montana Sheriffs recognize the need for a powerful buffer between Federal intrusion and the inalienable rights of the people?

How many Montana Sheriffs truly want a communist sympathizing anti-gun professional lobbyist representing them before the people’s legislature?

But there is more. Let us add some color to our scenario. This is a pdf.

We have to ask. Is Mayor Smith’s fair City of Helena involved in any way with the United Nations’ Agenda-21 and ICLEI? What do those terms mean? Here is an excerpt from that pdf:

The specific plan is called United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. By now, most Americans have heard of sustainable development but are largely unaware of Agenda 21.

ICLEI was founded in 1990 as the ‘International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives’. The Council was established when more than 200 local governments from 43 countries convened at the ICLEI inaugural conference, the World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future, at the United Nations in New York. In a nutshell, the plan (Agenda 21) calls for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the hands of private property owners.

It is assumed that people are not good stewards of their land and the government will do a better job if they are in control. Individual rights in general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by the governing body.

This is now being implemented in several Montana cities, and Helena is one. We must wonder, who lobbied to get ICLEI operating in Helena?

Do the people of Helena know with cognizance that a United Nations radical and extreme land-control program has been installed in their city?

Could city planning be affected by anti-gun-rights affiliations?

Isn’t that a part of what Smith’s partner sees as “…the maintenance of a civil society”?

To really understand what the United Nations’ Agenda 21 Sustainable Development and ICLEI are all about, read often at the best online source for the full picture – Michael Shaw’s remarkable site, Freedom Advocates:

So let us see. We have a lobbying Mayor representing the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and the Montana County Attorney Association in opposition to the Sheriffs First bill, and he works at the same time with an anti-gun organization which is pondering getting rid of our right to openly carry our guns, and all the while he’s not embarrassed to make deals or cooperate with the United Nations, which seeks a higher authority over our U.S. Constitution.

And this guy claims to be representing our communities’ law enforcement? And our County Attorneys?

That’s quite a scenario.

Does Helena’s Mayor have some help from within those organizations?

Yes. He does. Gallatin County Attorney Marty Lambert took time from his busy schedule to speak against the bill at the Committee hearing, and spat a bit of his own vitriolic resentment that, in his misguided view of SB 114, the people’s elected Sheriff should have the power to interfere with his federal associations. Dr. Ed Berry has already quoted him, but just for the record, Mr. Lambert sees the bill as an infringement on his job.

Could that infringement in any way affect his friendly relationship with the federal agencies operating in his County?

Aren’t the in-state activities of Federal agencies/agents part of the object of this bill?

How would the Sheriff’s lawful duty to require all federal agents to obtain the Sheriff’s written permission prior to search, seizure, or arrest of any County citizen somehow threaten the Attorney’s job unless the Attorney has discrete liaison with federal offices?

Where in this Sheriffs First bill is any Sheriff instructed to manage the office of the County Attorney?

But wait – doesn’t that bring us back to the opening of this lengthy screed?

We began by talking about citizen legislators and we noted that Senator Shockley gave us pause with his statement regarding his conclusion about the Civil War. Senator Shockley mused that since the North won the war, that settled the question of Federal vs State sovereignty. States are under the authority of the Federal government, as he would say it. His gracenote was “Like it or not”.

But we may ask next, what about the Montana Firearms Freedom Act of 2009?

It was passed into law, signed into law, and immediately the Federal ATF declared that Federal law trumps Montana law, sending letters to that effect to each FFL in the State.

Did not the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association oppose that bill also, as they are opposing the Sheriffs First bill this session? (Or was it just their lobbyist?)

But the real question to ask is whether the Federal denial of our lawfully-enacted Firearms Freedom Act of 2009 would be weakened by the passage of the Sheriffs First bill?

What about Montana’s medical marijuana law, which the Federal government also refuses to recognize?

How would the Sheriffs First bill affect the Feds’ insane push to over-ride Montana’s law?

Do the people of Montana have any sovereignty if their voted and legislated will is subject to Federal incursion?

And isn’t it Federal incursion when the Federal government threatens Montana with Federal powers to over-ride the written will and law of the Montana people?

And is not the Sheriffs First bill a threat to that kind of Federal mischief?

Dr. Ed Berry has alluded already to the Mack/Printz Supreme Court decision of 1997. The full story on that is available at Sheriff Mack’s website –

Enough can’t be said about that landmark decision. Icing on the cake with that decision is the fact that then-County Sheriff of Ravalli County, Montana, the distinguished patriot Sheriff Jay Printz, was Sheriff Mack’s partner in the suit against Clinton’s Brady bill. Two Sheriffs, one from Arizona and one from Montana, sued the Federal government and won, and part of the majority opinion, written by Justice Scalia, goes like this:

“It is incontestable that the Constitution established a system of ‘dual sovereignty’… Although the States surrendered many of their powers to the new Federal Government, they retained ‘a residuary and inviolable sovereignty,’…

“Residual State sovereignty was also implicit, of course, in the Constitution’s conferral upon Congress of not all governmental powers, but only discrete, enumerated ones, which implication was rendered express by the Tenth Amendment’s assertion that ‘the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people….

“The great innovation of this design was that our citizens would have two political capacities, one state and one federal, each protected from incursion by the other… The Constitution thus contemplates that a State’s government will represent and remain accountable to its own citizens.” – Justice Scalia

Senator Shockley, it can’t get any more clear than that. The Federal government did not create the States, and it does not give us any “rights” – the Civil War did nothing to damage the Tenth Amendment. The Federal government was created by the States to protect individual rights which are clearly stated to be unalienable rights. That means, no government can place a lien on our God-given/Natural rights.

Senate Judiciary Committee, think on these things please. Listen to your people.

The people of Montana want the Sheriffs First bill passed into law. Support the people and the State of Montana as we resist Federal incursion and Federal intrusion. Acknowledge the citizens’ rightful seat of legitimacy and authority in this Republic of law. The document begins with, is of, by, and for, “we the people”.

Choose the people over the special interests, over the socialists, over the communists, over the professional lobbyists. Choose the law as written, not a lobbyist’s interpretation of law. The perception of the opponents of this bill has been furnished to them by Federal programming and a dependency on Federal funding. It is only natural that they, joined at the waist with Federal programs, would oppose this move by the people to reclaim Montana sovereignty.

Good Senators, please hold dear Montana’s historic culture of freedom, and celebrate Montana’s compliance with the Constitution for the united States of America. Please pass SB-114.

Thank you for reading.


Elias Alias, Montana Oath Keepers, USMC Vietnam veteran

Notes, brief bibliography –

Freedom Advocates – Michael Shaw


Mack/Printz v United States

Montana Shooting Sports Association Gary Marbut

Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes

Liberty Fellowship Dr. Chuck Baldwin

Matrixx Productions – Creator of these films is James Jaeger:

Fiat Empire –

Cultural Marxism –

Original Intent –

Corporate Fascism –

The Purse And The Sword – by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., holder of four degrees from Harvard. This is the definitive advanced Constitutional course, over eight viewing hours’ worth, on sound money and the lawful Militia of the several States:

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Constitutional “Homeland Security”: Volume 1: The Nation In Arms

by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.; copyright 2007 by Edwin Vieira, Jr.; Bookmasters, Inc., 30 Amberwood Parkway, Ashland, Ohio 44805; International Standard Book Number (10): 0-9671759-2-5; International Standard Book Number (13): 978-0-9671759-2-8.

To order Dr. Vieira’s Constitutional Homeland Security, order your copy directly from Dr. Vieira: $19.95 postpaid, by check or money order to:

Edwin Vieira * 52 Stonegate Court * Front Royal, Virginia 22630

How To Dethrone The Imperial Judiciary

by Dr. Edwin Vieira; copyright 2004-2005 Vision Forum Ministries; Content copyright 2004-2005 The Conservative Caucus Research, Analysis, And Education Foundation and Dr. Edwin Vieira; Vision Forum Ministries, 4719 Blanco Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78212,; ISBN – 10 0-9755264-1-3; ISBN – 13 078-0-9755264-1-5.

The Conservative Revolution: Why We Must Form a Third Political Party to Win It

by Nelson Hultberg; copyright 2009 by Nelson Hultberg; published by Americans for a Free Republic, P.O. Box 801213, Dallas, Texas 75380-1213; ISBN: 1-891191-45-4. Mr. Hultberg also works with The Daily Bell:

Unalienable Rights And The Denial Of The U.S. Constitution

by Michael E. LeMieux; copyright 2007 by Michael E. LeMieux; published by PUBLISHAMERICA,LLLP;; Baltimore; ISBN: 1-60441-785-4;

Michael LeMieux is the Nebraska chapter President for Oath Keepers.

The Constitution In Exile: How the Federal Government has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law Of The Land.

by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano; copyright 2006 by Andrew P. Napolitano; published by Nelson Current, a division of a wholly owned subsidiary (Nelson Communications, Inc.) of Thomas Nelson, Inc., in Nashville, Tennessee; email:

Lies The Government Told You: Myth, Power, and Deception in American History

by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano; foreword by Ron Paul; copyright 2010 by Andrew P. Napolitano; published in Nashville, Tennessee by Thomas Nelson, a trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.; ISBN: 978-1-59555-266-2.

The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope

by Sheriff Richard Mack; copyright by Richard Mack 2009;; published by Sheriff Mack, P.O. Box 971, Pima, Arizona 85543.

Nullification: How To Resist Federal Tyranny In The 21st Century

by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.; copyright 2010 by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.; published by Regenery Publishing, Inc., One Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001,; ISBN: 978-1-59698-149-2.